Suzuki Teiichi

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Suzuki Teiichi is the incumbent Chief Executive of the State of Guangdong.

In-Game Description

A decorated IJA officer and former head of the Cabinet Planning Board, Suzuki Teiichi was intimately involved in the construction of Japan's wartime economy and the subsequent economic planning for the Japanese New Order in Asia. An esteemed member of the House of Peers since 1943, Prime Minister Ino has named Suzuki the next Chief Executive of the State of Guangdong in order to use his Chinese experience, military connections, and economic expertise to bend Guangdong's corporations to the will of Tokyo.

His hands-on and statist approach to running Guangdong's freewheeling economy rankles the Four Companies of Guangdong, which have become accustomed to running Guangdong with minimal interference. However, the culture of corruption fostered by years of weak oversight from Tokyo - and the backing of Yasuda Bank, per Prime Minister Ino's instructions - is enough for Suzuki to keep the Four Companies in line for now.

Suzuki sees a territory blinded by greed, forgetful of its obligations and unaware of the consequences of its actions. While he has no special affection for the Chinese in Guangdong, he is keenly aware that without the resources from Tokyo to maintain a strong security apparatus (as in Manchukuo), naked repression is not a sustainable solution to Chinese dissident activity. For the good of Japan, Suzuki will lay the foundations of a new, stronger Guangdong - and bring the corporate behemoths and their executives to heel.