African National Congress

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The African National Congress is a political party in the Union of South Africa. The ANC was founded in 1912 to fight for voting rights for black South Africans.

Over time the ANC has grown more militant, with several terrorist attacks being undertaken by the party's paramilitary wing called the uMkhonto we Sizwe, or MK, led by Nelson Mandela. The ANC's protests for rights have so far been met with silence, and their protests have been crushed. With tensions growing, the likelihood of an ANC uprising becomes more and more likely, and that is to say nothing about the other militant groups in South Africa.

Despite its principles, The ANC has frequently projected its goals through peaceful methods of protest affirming the rational leadership's prerogative of peaceful integration. Exchanging cable with the United Party prior to the 1961 Election to promote a civil rights platform, which ultimately was discredited in a white lily effort by the UP, they have won many friends within the De Villiers Graaff's cabinet.