Albert Hertzog

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'Albert Hertzog is an Afrikaner politician who leads the National Party, which has been noted for fascist sympathies. He is the son of J. B. M. (Barry) Hertzog, a former Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa.


One of the strongest advocates for complete independence from the defunct British Empire, in which South Africa remains tied to with their affiliation to the Windsor's, He has emerged as one of the most openly right wing extremist figures in South African politics with hardline exclusive Afrikaner Nationalist views. His unwavering determination to preserve the racial dominance of the Afrikaner people in spite of the unfeasible demographics has made him a political intrigue of the Reichskommissariat's with accusations of covert support being a typical accusation against him in the halls of Parliament.

Whilst he shares many views with the wider Boers, His nascent anthesis to democracy has strained his relations considerably with the National Party, who electorally represent the ethnic group, particularly with the more moderate John Vorster whom Hertzog has accused of deviating from the founding principles of Hendrik Verwoerd.