Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta

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Viceroy Amadeo di Savoia-Aosta is the governor-general of Italian East Africa in 1962.


Amadeo di Savoia-Aosta was born in 1898 to a royal household as the heir to the name of the Duke of Aosto. He volunteered to fight in the First World War in a cavalry regiment. In 1937, he was named Viceroy of Ethiopia, and from 1939 to 1942, he would oversee the colony's resistance against the British in the East African Campaign. Upon the relief of the colony and the end of the war, he became a hero to the Italian people, temporarily surpassing the popularity of Il Duce himself. In response, Mussolini ensured that Amadeo would remain viceroy for the rest of his life, forbidding him from ever involving himself in Italian politics for fear it would compromise his leadership.

In 1962, the Viceroy's health is ailing and it is expected that he will die in the coming years. Whether or not East Africa will remain intact without him is in doubt.