Atomic bombing of Pearl Harbor

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The Atomic Bombing of Pearl Harbor (not to be confused with the previous bombing in 1941) was the decisive nuclear attack that ended World War II. The bombing signified the dawn of a new age of warfare and intensified the already massive nuclear arms race between the three superpowers.



Pearl Harbor was the site of the attack that brought the US into the war, as well as the attack that took them out. After the massive losses suffered at the Battle of Iwo Jima, the Japanese looked to end the war quickly before the US replenished their losses. The German Reich offered the Japanese a solution that would mean not only the end of the war but a test of the ultimate weapon.

The bombing

At dawn of the day of the attack, a German strategic bomber took off from an unspecified Japanese installation in the pacific. The bomber winged over Oahu and dropped it's apocalyptic cargo. In an instant the entirety of the Pearl Harbor base was wiped from existence, as well as the nearby city of Honolulu. The US government soon sued for peace, seeing the devastation wrought by the bomb.


The Akagi Accords were signed aboard the Japanese carrier of the same name. They accepted Japanese hegemony over the pacific and allowed them to occupy the port areas of a few western seaports in America. The bombing had a double effect, surprising both the Americans and Japanese, triggering a massive arms race between the three nations as well as causing a massive cultural shift in the United States. The bombing provided an insight into the destructive power of the atom, which inspired Heinrich Himmler's ideology of purifying the world with nuclear fire.