Chelyabinsk Institute

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Russian Ultravisionary Soviet Federation
The Flag of Russian Ultravisionary Soviet Federation after the Reunification

The Chelyabinsk Institute is a state that emerges in the aftermath of Sergey Taboritsky's Holy Russian Empire. Led by the idealistic scientist and Ultravisionary Socialist Nikolai Kardashev, the Chelyabinsk Institute aspires to be a beacon of freedom, progress, and idealism in a wasteland of despair. While the Institute's forces are small, the infrastructure of Chelyabinsk means that they are capable of equipping an army with capabilities that outstrip their size. However, Chelyabinsk's greatest issue is the lack of information on its own populace, in which the government is often left uninformed on vital information like how much food they have or how resources are being distributed. Kardashev tries resolving this issue by hosting a committee, in which the only thing they can agree on is establishing a census and survey to actually communicate with the citizens and gather information. The country is largely composed of researchers who want to heal the Russian land from Taboritsky's chemical weapons and ultimately make it more livable for the average citizen. In spite of everything, Kardashev and his circle believe in a better world after the wrath of dictators, with scientific progress to back their means. Unfortunately, numerous problems like widespread starvation prevent them from acting out on their vision in a timely manner and many of their citizens are growing restless with their perceived lack of progress. Their idealism is greatly shattered when several of their soldiers fire live rounds into a crowd of protestors, throwing into question whether Kardashev's dream is achievable.

National Spirits

Visionary Enclave
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -5%
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%
  • Research Speed: +15.00%
The institute, above all, is an enclave founded to follow the goal of a better world through science and reason. The resources of Chelyabinsk have been put to use once more, as means of developing and manufacturing goods which may be used to reclaim the wastes, and restore a semblance of civilization. Under Director Kardashev, the Institute is focusing on a way to chemically reclaim the poisoned soil and water of Russia - and, with the last major concentration of scientists and visionaries in Russia, it may very well be that the institute is the last hope for a livable Russia.
The Cutting Edge
  • Division Organization: +20.0%
  • Supply Consumption: +5.0%
  • Divison Defense: +15.0%
While the institute's forces are small, the infrastructure of Chelyabinsk mean that they are capable of equipping an army with capabillities that outstrip their size. With each soldier bearing their finest advances, it is guaranteed that the institute, if challenged, shall not go quietly.
Salted Earth
  • Monthly Population: -45.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Division Attrition: +15.0%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.0%
  • Construction Speed: -25.00%
The greatest mark that the Regent's Holy Russian Empire has left across the motherland is that of salted earth and ruined fields, the legacy of the vast amounts of chemical agents deployed against insurgents and other enemies during the process of unification. As a result, vast amounts of fertile land has been poisoned, formerly critical water sources has been rendered unsafe to drink, and forests have been stripped bare. Untainted food and water is rare in the post-imperial wasteland- and all of the motherland shall suffer for it.