Children of Spartakus

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The Children of Spartakus are a Polish slave resistance based in Königsberg. As Heydrich's Spartanist rule commits endless German-on-German violence, they have seized the chance and risen up in Ostpreußen. It should be no surprise that a group of former Polish slaves want nothing to do with Reinhard Heydrich. However, peacefully engaging in diplomacy with them, regardless if it works or not, is one of the prerequisites for getting Poland's support. If Heydrich is accepting enough to the Poles' concessions, then he may even be able to sway them to his side.

To the Death
  • Division Defense: +50.0%
Nobody in the Reich can doubt this: the slave revolt is doomed. No matter their determination, they cannot hope to stand against the Reich come the day of judgement. Despair withers before the resolute acceptance of death, and resolve is certainly not lacking amongst the liberated.
Justice of the Liberated
  • Stability.pngStability: -20.00%
  • Encryption: -1.00
  • Decryption: -1.00
  • Acceptance of Fascist Diplomacy: -50
  • Acceptance of National Socialist Diplomacy: -50
  • Acceptance of Ultranationalist Diplomacy: -50
  • Acceptance of Esoteric Nazist Diplomacy: -50
You cannot expect pity or mercy from freed slaves - at least, not if you were the one grinding them into the dirt for two decades. The righting of wrongs has been swift, and more than a little chaotic.
Old Soldiers

Division Organization: +10.0

At the core of the revolt stands a cadre of POWs turned slaves, who quickly formed an ad-hoc command structure to coordinate the militias during the rising. They enjoy great popular support despite their disparate nationalities.