Constand Viljoen

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In theory, Connie Mulder's restored South African government can count on the loyalty of the Union Defense Forces (UDF). As with most things in South Africa, reality is far more convoluted.

Constand Viljoen belongs to a clique of younger officers who despised the Graff's government unwillingness to compromise with the native population. Although he initially defected to the Boers at the outbreak of the War, the entry of the Afrika-Schild and the volksraad submission to Huttig caused him to rescind his betrayal and rejoin the Union Defense Forces. From there, he rose to prominence as one of the UDF's most competent military commanders.

Viljoen was intelligent enough to go into hiding once it became obvious that the Schild would win the war. From his internal exile, Viljoen made clear his view that it was the politicians and their racial inflexibility that had lost South Africa, and later the Boer Republic, its freedom. Now in control of the lion's share of the reborn UDF, Viljoen is determined to prevent this from happening again. To many, Viljoen's bizarre claim that a Boer state is not incompatible with majority african rule carry the implication that he wishes for a federated South Africa.

Almost immediately, the general's insistence on closer cooperation with native African forces caused a break with the Cape Town government, from which the SALF is effectively independent. While Huttig's agents and Malan's Boers remain Viljoen's immediate concern, the General's ultimate aim is to create a new multiracial order that will prevent South Africa from being divided and conquered ever again. If Mulder, the natives, or anyone else proves an obstacle to this, Viljoen won't hesitate to turn his guns on them.