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The blood of Genghis Khan's Borjigin clan flows through Demchugdongrub's veins, though one would not guess it from looking at him. Despite being a vocal Mongol nationalist, the prince spent the majority of his life in service of foreign empires occupying Mongolian soil. His father was one of the twelve governing nobles of Inner Mongolia, a title that Demchugdongrub inherited as a child only from the generosity of his Qing overlords. When the Empire fell and the Republic rose, Demchugdongrub still answered to Beijing, just to Presidents instead of Emperors. The Republic of China proved disinterested in his pan-Mongolian nationalism, so Demchugdongrub and his supporters reached out to the enemy of their enemy: Japan.

After years of struggle, Demchugdongrub was able to unite Inner and Outer Mongolia under native rule once more. But it was a cruel mockery of his dreams, as he was a de jure vassal of the figurehead Emperor Puyi, thus making him a puppet of a puppet. He is despised by his people as a sellout and a traitor, and scorned by his puppet masters as an upstart vassal with delusions of grandeur. This left him a wholly broken man, but Demchugdongrub has recently rediscovered a sense of purpose in putting down the anti-imperialist rebellion that took over Ulaanbaatar. Though that very well may be because he fears what will happen if the rebels capture him, or even worse, if he fails and the Japanese get him first.