Dimitrije Ljotić

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Dimitrije "Mita" Ljotić (born 12th August 1891) is the prime minister of the Independent State of Serbia, a client state of the Greater Germanic Reich.


Early life

Dimitrije Ljotić was born at the summer of 1891 in the Kingdom of Serbia. His father, Vladimir Ljotić, was a minister in a Serbian parliament who was responsible for being the first to officially translate Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in Serbian language. At the early age, his personality was built around the veneration of military and Christianity, wanting to become at one point a priest in Serbian Orthodox Church. Later in life, he continued his scholarship at Serbian Solun University, where he had a successful graduation while he was only 16. At the return to Serbia, he continued his studies in Law University in Belgrade, where he became influenced by Lev Tolstoy, which revitalized his religious zeal in a different direction.

Military career

During the Balkan Wars, even though he put up a pledge to not fight on behalf of the orders of Kingdom, he nonetheless had joined both wars as a medic to help out with the wounded troops, especially during the First World War. He remained in the military up until the demobilization that took place in 1920 by the orders of newly founded Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Before that point, in 1919, he was appointed to a railway station, whose task was to suppress the strike of railway workers whose goal was to stop the ammunition from being delivered towards anti-communist forces in Hungary who fought against Hungarian Soviet Republic.

Political career up until WW2

Upon discharge from the army, Ljotić ventured to build a political career by joining the Narodna Radikalna Stranka (People's Radical Party), upon which he became one of their most prominent members, as well as being the official leader of their youth wing. This will soon change in 1926, as he noticed that the party in question did not fill up his requirements entirely, and as such, he planned to take over the party and shift their ideology into his own favor. This all came to an abrupt end after the 1929 parliament shooting, which as a result had disbanded the political parties under the order's of King Aleksandar Karađorđević. Fortunately, this allowed him to leave the party without much of a hard effort, and as a result of his past work and skills with the governmental management, he was appointed by the king to be a Minister of Government as a supporter of Sixthjanuary Dictatorship. As minister, Ljotić drafted a new constitution for a king, which king rejected for being authoritarian even for him. As a result, he resigned from his post.

Upon leaving the government, Ljotić travelled around Europe to meet up with various pro-Fascist groups to find allies and sympathizers, and in 1935, he founded a United Militant Organization of Labor (Združena Borbena Organizacija Rada/ZBOR), a Monarchist and Clerical Fascist organization that aimed at expanding the role of Serbian Orthodox Church, promotion of complete Serbian domination within Yugoslavia, as well as semi-Germanophilic sentiment towards the newly founded German Reich. However, the party was still, despite being overwhelmingly pro-Serbian in every aspect, banned by the King due to the orders of Sixthjanuary Dictatorship. This would all change in WW2 following the German invasion of Yugoslavia.

WW2 and collaboration

Ljotić was among few those who were qualified enough to operate a newly founded puppet state of Territory of Military Commander in Serbia . With failures of Milan Aćimović to properly manage the government, as well as unfortunate demise of Milan Nedić, Ljotić assumed the role as the leader of collaboration government somewhere around in 1940s. During that time, his own paramilitary group, Serbian State Guard, was tasked for suppression of Partisan and Royalist rebellions in the occupied territory, though one faction of Royalists fully defected towards collaboration, while others were allowed full legalization and some small government positions, only in so far to keep Partisan rebellion in check more efficiently.

Following the defeat of USSR in World War 2, Ljotić continued his policies of repressing any remaining rebellious parts of the population, as well as completely wiping out any last remaining Jews within Serbia's borders.

Present day

However, as of now, the situation is far worse than it ever was before in his life. Following the economic crash in the 50s, it greatly affected Serbian economy which still hasn't managed to recover to this day. Not only that, with the refugee crisis going on from Serbs who fled from Croatia that were under Ustashe combined with inability to sustain the basic needs for most of the population, Ljotić became so unpopular and hated that not even the Orthodox Church likes him at this point. One can only wonder what will happen next to him once Hitler finally kicks the bucket, for everyone ranging from Yugoslav Communists, Serbian Left-Wing Nationalists and former Chetniks as well as even the Wehrmacht command under Hartwig von Ludwiger in Batan, all want his head off.


Ljotić leads Serbia until the German Civil War begins, at which point he is assassinated and succeeded by Dragomir Jovanović, while the Serbian National Liberation Front revolts against the collaborators.