Free State of Prussia

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The Freistaat Prußen is a breakaway state that appears in the event of a Heydrich victory in the German Civil War. They control the state of Neuostpreußen under Adolf Eichmann, a supporter of the Burgundian System, despite his nation's ideology being Spartanism. Eichmann is hellbent on exterminating "racial degeneracy" in Prussia, restarting the concentration camps and expanding the extermination targets to anyone and everyone who doesn't live up to the ideals of the SS.

No Regrets
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.50
  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
Ask, and Eichmann will characterize himself as a dedicated bureaucrat and loyal National Socialist. However, this is not the whole picture; he is also a cold-blooded, hateful ideologue, and encourages his men to follow suit.
A Second Solution
  • Weekly Manpower: -500
  • Weekly Stability.pngStability: -5.00%
Eichmann's mission in Prussia is simple: to permanently excise all degeneracy. He has returned to his old methods of extermination and broadened their scope to include all who fail to live up to the ideals of the SS.


The Place is named Prußen and not Preußen, which is the actual German name for Prussia. Prußen is a German word denoting Old Baltic Prussians.