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Before and after World War II, Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה‎, lit. The Defence) had been the major Jewish militia in Palestine for the Hebrew Yishuv. It has a very complex relationship with the other Jewish paramilitary groups in the area. Compared to the much more aggressive Irgun, who was always on the offensive against Arabs and British (and later the Italians), Haganah is usually content with operating as a purely defensive militia, guarding the Kibbutzim against aggressors. This policy is called Havlaga (self-restraint in Hebrew). The Haganah has been generally liked and respected by the Italian leadership of the Governorate, even more so with the current leader of the Haganah, Yitzhak Rabin, who has officially adopted a policy of negotiations over confrontation. Nevertheless, if Haganah units will begin to feel threatened by Arabs, they will likely push back.


The bulk of the Haganah's troops is called Guard corps. A stationary detachment of troops tasked with guarding and policing the various Jewish settlements and Kibbutzim. There is also a smaller corps called Field Corps (Heil HaSadeh, or Hish in short), these soldiers are far more mobile and and are considered better in military affairs rather than the Guard Corps. In addition, there is a Haganah Women's Corps, serving in auxiliary roles and occasionally seeing combat. Finally, the other major military organization in addition to Hish and the Guards is called Palamach (Hebrew for strike force). The Palamach is considered to be the very elite fighting force the Haganah has to offer, and is composed of several brigades, with auxiliary air and intelligence units, carrying out special operations against Fedayeen and Italian troops via lighting fast attacks.


Among the ranks of the Haganah, there are numerous factions with different visions about the future of the Jewish community, but recently a new leader of the organization rose. His name was Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin is considered to be not only an expert military commander, but also a charismatic politician and a skilled negotiator.