Hermann Göring

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Hermann Göring (born 1893) is a German politician currently serving as Vice-Chancellor of the Greater Germanic Reich.



Göring was born in 1893 in Bavaria. His father was a colonial administrator in Südwestafrika. During the First World War he became an accomplished fighter ace, leading the Red Baron's unit following his death.

Rise to prominence

Goering was an early supporter of the NSDAP, joining in 1922. He was of considerable wealth and helped fund the party in it's early days. Following the failed Beer Hall Putsch, Göring became addicted to morphine he received for injuries he sustained during the coup. Following the Nazi rise to power, Göring held many different positions, including Head of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Plenipotentiary of the Four Year Plan, and Head of the Gestapo (which he turned over to Heinrich Himmler).

World War II

During WWII, Göring was in command of the air force. He was the architect of the early aerial campaigns against Poland, France, and Britain. Under his leadership the Luftwaffe became the undisputed master of the skies over Europe. During the invasion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Göring's Luftwaffe contributed to the complete collapse of the USSR. As the war drew to a close Goring began working to get out of his morphine addiction. Göring was very supportive of the Luftwaffe's advancements in jet technology, leading to Germany pioneering in jet research.


Following the end of the War, Göring grew tired of the lack of use for his Luftwaffe and began terror bombing Russia beyond the Urals to prevent any major opposition to Germany from forming. When this wasn't enough he began to do the same to Central and West Africa, reducing those territories to anarchy. Göring's constant bombings were forced to slow down following Germany's economic collapse. Göring's believed that the collapse stemmed from a distinct lack of conquest from the German Reich. While the economy eventually somewhat stabilized, Göring's created a faction within along with Ferdinand Schörner within the NSDAP that believed that the solution for solving the economic woes was to conquer and loot other nations. This approach has been seen as a serious threat to the delicate peace between the US and Germany, and is seen as possibly being able to cause a nuclear apocalypse due to recklessness. Göring's cares not however, he believes that his plan is infallible as long as Germany keeps conquering.


Like with Reinhard Heydrich, Albert Speer, and Martin Bormann, Göring can be nominated as Hitler's successor.


“No Burgundian atomic bomb can reach the Ruhr. If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Göring. You can call me Meyer.”


In the game files, an unused super event exists that would have had Göring declare himself Kaiser. Presumably, this was meant to be a reference how he was offered the Hungarian crown in 1944 in real-life.