Ivan Yumashev

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Ivan Stepanovich Yumashev is the leader of Kamchatka and a former Soviet admiral.


Admiral Ivan Stepanovich Yumashev has spent several decades in the Red Navy, even though the country he once sailed for no longer exists. The seas he has sailed span from the Baltic to the Okhotsk, but these days he mostly finds himself staring at the Bering. He spent the entirety of the Great Patriotic War commanding the Pacific Fleet, patrolling the waters and occasionally getting into skirmishes with Japanese vessels. He heard of the news of the Union's defeat when he was stationed in Vladivostok, and quickly sprang into action and removed the fleet from the harbor before the Japanese jackals could arrive.

When the dust settled, Admiral Yumashev and his officers pledged their loyalty to the regime of Yagoda, who helped them find them a temporary job. As the reactionaries pushed forward, the navy forces of Yumashev had to find another home, far away from the besieged forts of Priamurye. The city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky had been abandoned by the Soviet government and most of its residents, and little infrastructure remained here aside from a few villages. The shores of Kamchatka became the Red Navy's landed headquarters, and the small fishing town was converted into a makeshift naval base.

Far away from the civilization, the Far Eastern Red Navy has done nothing but chip ice off the sides of their ships, impotently watching as the region fell into chaos and infighting. Without any reasonable way to obtain supplies and fuel, the sailors started to earn their living through piracy and smuggling across the Pacific, becoming an additional obstacle for Japan and the US in their competition in the ocean. It can be said that Admiral Yumashev isn't fond of what his men were turned into - but it also can be assured that he will not deprive his men from their only viable way of living on the edge of the Earth.