Kingdom of Altay

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Kingdom of the Rurikids
The flag of Kingdom of the Rurikids after the Reunification

The Kingdom of Altay is a state that emerges in the aftermath of Sergey Taboritsky's genocidal Holy Russian Empire. Lead by King Boris Krylov, or Boris I, it is the successor to his father's Principality of Kemerovo. However, whilst his father's Principality was a land of new ideals and dreams, seeking to combine Monarchy with Socialist thought, Krylov's Kingdom is a realm of Pragmatism, which while it has a King, the King doesn't even wear his crown, instead devoting himself to the matters of state and logistics, in order to accomplish the duty he feels has been assigned to him. Altay's council is completely divided over what to do, in which Boris I gets too overwhelmed by this factionalism to make decisive actions.

National Spirits

The Practical Kingdom
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -25%
  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
  • Ideology Drift Defense: -10.0%
At times, the Kingdom of Altay scarely feels like a kingdom at all. King Boris is a monarch without a throne or castle, often going days of weeks without wearing his crown. While his focus on Altay's necessities has saved precious lives and resources, the drab nature of his rule has created problems with morale - how can a nation dream when its leader cannot?