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National spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing
  • Consumer Good Factories: 25%
  • Construction Speed: -60.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -35.00%
  • Free repair: -70.00%

Every several weeks, Luftwaffe planes from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, gleefully bombing any civilian targets they find as a demented form of "pilot training". While they make life hell for rural communities and can occasionally slip through and rain fire upon provincial cities, they find that lingering for too long in Russian airspace risks interception by the remnants of the Soviet Air Forces. If the Free Aviators were not there to give the Luftwaffe hell at every opportunity, the situation in Russia would be far more dire.

A Place For All of Us
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25
  • Division Organization: -5.0%
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • War Support: +15.00%

The list of ideologies represented among the ruins of Russia is long, yet it still has its outcasts and lost ideologues. Those people who could not find a home among the ruins, those who have been cast out because of ideas too radical or alien, they have come here. As a result, Komi has one of the most diverse political environments on earth... and also one of the most dangerous ones.

Clash of Shadows
  • Political Power Gain: -6%
  • Division Recovery Rate: -18.0%
  • Ideology Drift Defense: -35.0%
  • Daily Progressive Support: -0.01
  • Daily Liberal Support: -0.01
  • Daily Liberal Conservative Support: -0.01

The Republic is afflicted by a scourge that makes itself plainly evident, if one bothers to look behind the curtains of the various movements occupying Syktyvkar. The legion of manipulators, radicals, and would be shadow-masters afflict the Republic like a pox. Their influence drives much of Komi society - the paramilitaries move on their orders, the National Assembly carries out their machinations, and every day, democracy spirals towards a final crescendo of clashing plots...

The Syktyvkar Arsenal
  • Divisions Recovery Rate: -5.0%
  • War Support: -10.00%
  • Division Attack on core territory: +30.0%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +20.0%

(Available to any nation that owns Syktyvkar)

Beneath the city of Syktyvkar lies a practical treasure trove of Soviet technology and weaponry. Vats and canisters of lethal 'revenge weapons' were stored here before the Front collapsed, and they have found new usage among the defenders of the Republic. The gas is potent, and the ability to scorch the lands of our enemies is an effective tool, but those who control the arsenal wield a disproportionate amount of influence.