Léo Pétillon

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Léo Pétillon is a former Belgian colonial civil servant and lawyer who can lead the High Pakt Commission of the Congo on behalf of the Greater Germanic Reich if its proxy wins the Congo Crisis.


Early Life

Léon Pétillon ("Léo") was born in Esneux in Belgium's Province of Liège on 22 May 1903. In his university years, he studied Law at the Catholic University of Leuven, graduating with a doctorate. After practicing as a lawyer, Pétillon entered the colonial civil service in 1929, working at the Ministry of the Colonies in Brussels. After working on legal questions for the Ministry, Pétillon became chef de cabinet (aide) to the minister Paul Tschoffen and for his successors in the ministry, including Albert de Vleeschauwer. In this capacity he supervised the creation of the Colonial Lottery in 1934.

In February 1939, Pétillon asked to be posted to the Belgian Congo and received a position as chef de cabinet for the Governor-General, Pierre Ryckmans. He was still in the Congo in May 1940 when Belgium was invaded by Germany and the Belgian Congo Colony being replaced by a Reichskommissariat. Despite being posted as De Vleeschauwer's chef de cabinet with the Belgian government in exile in London, Pétillon spent most of World War II in Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika.

In game

When the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat falls, Léo Pétillon serves as security minister under Kai-Uwe von Hassel, and takes over the Congo if the German remnants win the Congo Crisis.


  • In real life, Pétillon was the penultimate Governor-General of the Belgian Congo prior to its independence, who attempted to foster a more equitable relationship between the natives and whites.