Liu Wenhui

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Liu Wenhui is a member of the Kuomintang who continues fighting in the mountains of Xikang, having fled to the mountains as Chiang's KMT was defeated at Chongqing and both Chiang and Mao died fighting there.


Liu is not unique in his unending support for the people and his dedication to the ideals of republicanism and democracy, even if his own state is in a transitionary authoritarian period. However, he is unique in his willingness to compromise to achieve these republican ideals. In that way, perhaps he's the best off of them all, even in his squalor.

The story begins quite the same as any other. A peasant boy who didn't know better then to stay in his place. He rose up, skeptically becoming friends with Chiang Kai-Shek and ascending to one of the top spots in Sichuan. However, unlike the other warlords, Liu did not abuse his power, or butcher the communists fleeing Kuomintang forces. He used his power to open new schools and build roads through the towering mountains of Xikang. When war arrived in CHina, and the Japanese seized control, Liu had the love of the people, something that Tian Songyao and his puppets would never beat, no matter how many years they kicked and whined. Into the mountains Liu fled, with the support of his people.

To fight for Sichuan.

TO fight for China.