Lu Han

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Lu Han is a Chinese warlord and current leader of Yunnan. Lu made a secret agreement with the Japanese towards the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, seeing it as the only way to prevent Japan from being harsher to Yunnan. After taking over the province, Lu is a good puppet of the Japanese, at least on the surface.

Governance of Yunnan

Lu's landlords are corrupt to the bone, indenturing the peasants through near-impossible to pay-off rent rates and even use enslaved criminals in chattel slavery. Considering the laws and rent, the peasants are little more than slaves that work the fields and their landlords take them wherever there are minerals to be harvested in mobile homes.


  • Prior to the Toolbox Theory update, Lu Han was characterized as a shameless Japanese collaborator, who took joy in enslaving the people of Yunnan, in addition to betraying and torturing Long Yun to get into Japan's good graces. With the update, his behavoir was retconned into a reluctant dictator who only collaborates with the Japanese out of a belief that future resistance was futile.