Michał Vituška

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Michał Vituška (born 5th November 1907) is the leading Belarusian collaborator in Reichskommissariat Ostland and leader of the Byelorussian Central Council.


Michał Vituška is the commander of the Black Cat collaborator commandos, and an ambitious man walking on a thin line between two worlds of power. On the one side are the Byelorussian collaborators like him, who tightly followed the German line and embraced their crusade against Judeo-Bolshevism. On the other side are hardline Byelorussian nationalists, who crave retribution against their German slave-masters. For years, Vituška had failed to climb the ranks of the German system, and now as Ostland unravels into chaos, Vituška has united both of his worlds through hope, violence, and charisma, and he will stop at nothing to finally claw his way to the crown.

Ostland Civil War

When the German Civil War comes and Ostland is in chaos, Vituska becomes the leader of the Central European Council and is ready to take any sacrifices to become the sole ruler of Belarus even if that means burning the Reichskommissariat Ostland to the ground. He will be given the option of focusing on Ostland and centralizing power around himself and his paramilitaries, or focusing on holding Belarus and gaining popular support. If Vituška wins the Ostland Civil War, he will form a ruthless dictatorship that is only marginally better than the German Reichskommissariat. Though Vituška claims to be working to liberate the natives during the Ostland Civil War, he doesn't actually care about any natives other than Belarusians, and his real goal is to make himself the dictator over all of Belarus and Ostland.

If the player is playing as Reinhard Heydrich, Vituška gets a massive artificial power boost so he's guaranteed to win in Ostland, since Heydrich's focus tree is written with Vituška winning in Ostland in mind.