Nawabzada Shahabuddin Khan

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Role: Head of State

Party: Frontier Provinces Civilian Administration

Ideology: Aristocratic Conservatism

In-Game Biography: Nawabzada Shahabuddin Khan, Khan of Jandol and Nawab of Dir, second son of Nawab Shah Jehan Khan, is a harsh, ruthless man with a strong devotion to duty.

That is appropriate given his second job as the Afghan-appointed military governor of the frontier provinces, set up by the Khanate of Afghanistan in opposition to the remnants of the Pakistan Army on the frontier. His duty is to make sure the Pakistani Army remains on the frontier and does not backfire on Afghanistan; being a loyal subordinate of Afghanistan, he takes to this duty with alacrity.

When Shahabuddin Khan is not keeping a lid on the Pakistanis, he is governing his pair of small princely states in the northwest of what was supposed to have Pakistan. Many praise him for his efforts to modernize his state - he single-handedly funds schools, hospitals, fortifications and roads all over his domain. But just as many people criticize him for the ruthlessness he exhibits in his dealings with anyone he meets.

His absolute rule over the region ruins just as many lives as it uplifts; countless tribal groups hold him as their enemy for his incessant expropriations of tribal land for the purposes of development. The civilians in the Frontier Provinces outside of the Pakistani frontier or Jandol and Dir are not too impressed with him either; his absolutist, ruthless rule causes no small number of them to chafe under him, and there are rumblings of pro-Pakistani and even pro-Indian sentiment.

Faced with all these things, the Nawabzada will do as he always has: assert his authority and suppress dissent until it calms down. It has worked before - why should it not work again?

  • Good is Not Nice: He wants to modernize his country, but this process also involves expropriating tribal land for development, earning the hatred of the people who live there.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite his ruthless methods, he does fund many schools, hospitals, fortifications, and roads for his people, an unambiguously good set of policies for the country.
  • President for Life: Even though he's supposed to be a Conservative, he's actually pretty ruthless towards his political rivals, suppressing any dissent against his rule to ensure that he remains in power.
  • Undying Loyalty: He's unwaveringly loyal to serving Afghanistan, whom serves as the master for the Frontier Provinces.