Nicolae Penescu

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Nicolae Penescu (born 28 February 1897) is a Romanian politician currently serving as Vice President of the Council of Ministers and a potential Prime Minister of Rumania, succeeding Ion Mihalache after his retirement.

In-Game Description (Vice President of the Council of Ministers)

Nicolae Penescu is a veteran agrarianist, in the spotlight ever since Mihai Antonescu legalized party politics in 1952. First becoming secretary general of the PNT, he would become a cabinet favorite of the Maniu, Pop, and Coposu premierships as Minister of Internal Affairs, eventually ascending to deputy of the council of ministers in 1958.

Nowadays, Penescu is a name whispered with reverence by PNT men. He serves the crucial role of Mihalache's second-in-command within the party, the prime representative of the centrist faction's needs and wants within the government. It is here where Penescu upholds the balance of the PNT/PSD Coalition with his utmost vigour