Pakistani Uprising

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Start of the War

The Pakistani Uprising or the Indian-Pakistani war began in March 16th with a uprising by the islamic pakistani in the region and a Provisional Government declaring Pakistan an independent Republic. Realizing Pakistani rebels didn't have chance to win, The Kingdom of Afghanistan decided to Intervene in the War and sent their forces to suport the Pakistani separatists, after that the two countries decided to form a coalition againt the Indians, the so called ''Pact of Kabul".

In April the Indians sent a offensive to push the Coalition forces back to the Afghan border, in May both Germany and Japan decided to send aid to the Afghan forces in the next month, noticing that the Indians forces were undersupplied qnd weak, the Coalition sent a counterattack and captured Bannu, Loralai and Chitral.


After the Counterattack the two Forces were in no condition to make a new attack, so they both fortified their lines and the frontlines didn't change much. In July they started a conference to end the Conflict and in 1th of August of 1955 they signed a cease fire. Dir and the Khanate of Kalat became satellites of Afghanistan.