Paktkommission Frankreich

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Paktommission Frankreich is a state that can be established by either Speer or Bormann if they successfully invade the SS State of Burgundy (Ordensstaat Burgund) .

Paktkommission Frankreich is slated to be a collaborationist state upon its full establishment, not too unlike the French State. Given the shattered state of Burgundy, however, Germany is forced to be hands-on with administration until competent and trustworthy figures can be put in place. The German invasion of Burgundy and establishment of Frankreich may just be yet another landgrab by the Reich, but it's practically a godsend compared to the hellish conditions imposed by the SS.

While a significant improvement for the average citizen compared to what came before, and is being prepared for rule by local collaborators, in practice it's still a German puppet state that's dependent on the Reich for its continued existence. Whatever misgivings Germany has under either Speer or Bormann, Paktkommission Frankreich is nonetheless given significant investments, even if only to make it a viable member of the German sphere in the long run.