Pan-African Liberation Front

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The Pan-African Liberation Front is a military alliance led by the Cameroon African State. Its purpose is to promote Pan-Africanism, socialism, and anti-imperialism in West Africa. Its main rival is Free France. During the West African War, the PALF will receive support from the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere against the French Military Alliance (an alliance led by Free France) and/or the West African Alliance (an alliance of independent capitalist states in West Africa).

should they succeed in defeating the Free French, the Cameroon African State will be renamed the West African Union, and will form the Pan-African Community for Mutual Economic Assistance, a regional economic bloc.

Potential members

Membership Status Icon Membership Status Member(s) Description Effect(s)
Pan-African Liberation Front.png
Head of the PALF
PALF (Partner).png
PALF Partner
  • Socialist Republic of Tanganyika
  • Popular Republic of the Congo
  • Socialist Republic of Ovamboland
  • People’s Republic of Brazzaville
  • People’s Republic of Orungu
  • Central African Republic
PALF (Satellite).png
LiberatedSatellite This Nation is a Liberated Satellite, and has been freed by the Pan-African Liberation Front from the forces of colonialism and reaction. its newly formed administration has chosen to cooperate with and be supervised by the Front in order to dismantle the remnants and legacies of imperialism. this nation and its leadership now follow the principles of Pan-Africanism, and work towards creating a united Africa, even if they are still nominally independent from their allies at the time. Untied by a common enemy, this Liberated Satellites shall work alongside the Front in order to create a new future together. Division Defence: +10%

Division Recovery Rate: -5%