Patch v.1.4.1d "Ugly American"

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The logo of "Ugly American."

Patch 1.4.1d "Ugly American" was a patch to address issues with Patch v.1.4.1c "Ugly American". It was released on June 20, 2023.

Patch Notes

Minor Additions

  • Added new world events to the Canada skeleton
  • Added faction interactions to Turkey's skeleton
  • Added Turkish Econ Sphere
  • Reworked British states

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses various performance concerns related to the foreign policy menu
  • alt_APC and alt_MBT can no longer be selected in division designer
  • Alt unit versions are locced
  • Anti-tank units now require anti-tank equipment to be researched
  • Fixed a handful of broken focus shines
  • Standardized spelling of guerrilla across code and loc
  • Fixed several ideas with broken gfx
  • Pátra now has a state lore gfx
  • Tórshavn and Nuuk no longer lose their state lore gfx when it isn't winter
  • Fixed World Tension disagreeing with average tension between the superpowers due to issue with base-game World Tension system
  • Socdev level no longer increases if have slightly under the needed amount of socdev points
  • Fixed Comintern buttons being misaligned
  • Effect of international brigade vote doesn't change if you choose to start a new vote before selecting the event
  • Nations can no longer opt for ComIntern associate instead of membership if they are already an associate
  • Fixed several UA leaders using a subid not intended for use until a future update
  • Fixed an issue where IBR Colombian Civil War Global Conflict decisions would require Command Power but didn't spend any
  • Fixed an issue where the Ba'athists, Constitutionalists, and Islamists didn't receive a core on tikrit after the war
  • Fixed several econ spheres not have a Sphere Insularity value including Iberia, Italy, COMECOM, and the French Community post-reclamation/reconciliation
  • Cleaned up the top section of division designer UI
  • COMECOM no longer tear countries out of tighter-knit econ spheres when it gets founded
  • Adjusted news event UI to fit two line titles better
  • Added the characters š, Đ and đ into the world event font
  • CAR is now actually a member of OFN prior to its collapse
  • US decision to increase volunteers to Mano Campaign now works
  • Every Mano Pact state no longer gets a dynmod for each member of PALF, instead now using only one dynmod
  • Fixed Speer bring AREMA Madagascar back into the Pakt
  • AREMA Madagascar now loses all spirits from the Garrison under Speer
  • the Congo establishing regular elections is no-longer a world ending event
  • German Madagascar will now use German unit models
  • Fixed a bug that caused a large portion of crashes and peace deal strangeness during the WAC
  • Wars immediately after WAC now fire the correct block of peace deal code
  • Mano Campaign peace deals fixed for both sides (PALF victory should be fixed completely)
  • Post-WAC peace deals no longer give WAC peace popup messages
  • Fixed issues with fopo tabs not being removed after the fall of PALF
  • WAC proxy spirits are now correctly removed at the end of the war for all West Africa countries
  • FMA victory in scenario 2 now gives Cold War Points
  • WAC standardized to 200 Cold War Points
  • Mossiland and Ivory Coast now get the correct cosmetic tag after Reclamation/Reconciliation if FMA won WAC
  • Free French puppets now drop their cosmetic tags if the reclamation fails
  • Fixed Sokoto and Yorubaland spawning in capitulated for Cameroon Collapse
  • Fixed Madagascar decisions increasing No/Isolated Authority straight to Tamed Territory in one decision
  • ORM and ETB should actually have cores on each other now
  • SWB now properly gets cores on Timbuktu, Mopti, Fulani
  • In WAC Scenario 3, Sokoto's invasion of Nigeria is cut and instead gets invaded by FMA
  • In Scenarios 1 and 2, Sokoto revolt in Cameroon collapse can now conquer all of Nigeria
  • Fixed Fuuta Fulbe not getting properly annexed post-war in some scenarios
  • Brazilian SAW superevent now triggers the correct audio
  • The Free State of Colombia will no longer have holdover ideas from the CCW when the 2CCW hits
  • The Free State of Colombia's capital will not move from Bogata after the 2CCW
  • The German Support and Japanese Support ideas now have brief descriptions
  • Heriberto Schwartau Eskildsen is no longer on both sides of the 2CCW
  • Fixed Colombia Revolutionaries sometimes missing one of their ministers in post-war skeleton
  • Dominican Republic now gets the proper party pops after Communist putsch
  • Haitian communist no longer disappears after winning the CW, if Cantave couped the government prior
  • Add AI to Germany + Iberia decisions in the Dominican Civil War
  • Operation Ko-Ni-Go state modifier in Colombia CW has loc and an icon now
  • Japanese create_unit effects for CCW now actually create units
  • Brazil's Reassign Officers decisions no longer mention the SAW
  • Addressed an issue in GER_PPI_Arm_Street_Gangs where it was checking for > 10 involvement but only taking down 5
  • The COL testing decisions now require the COL_civil_war_ongoing global flag to access
  • Fixed an issue in GER_COL_reorganize_the_army and GER_COL_send_advisors where the Command Power costs were higher than what was actually taken
  • Any Philippines that's not Tanada's will be added to the OFN EconSphere (Barring Japan's)
  • Baby Doc no longer uses Papa Doc's bio
  • Added the event for Speer post-Paraguayan War
  • AI handles invasion of Bolivia/Santa Cruz better
  • PAC (First Paraguay Corps) should now spawn with its troops
  • Santo Domingo state lore initials change if city is formally named Santo Domingo, instead of still using TRJ
  • Fixed several issues with loc not accounting for CRA occasionally happening in 1963
  • Oh Darling! achievement is now completable
  • CIA can now prevent Suriname independence
  • Fixed German PPI intel bar not working
  • Hopefully fixed constant coups in Haiti
  • Fixed Nationalists info in caucus deccat not displaying properly
  • Debate events should trigger again
  • US will now try to extract Maurice
  • Progressives no longer increases Marxist support by winning proxy wars
  • If Hall wins a proxy war, Marxist popularity will increase instead of nothing
  • Events for Bormann-Hart attempted détente now have loc
  • The US event for the rejection of Bormann's détente now use the correct loc for Goldwater
  • Fixed Josias I coronation not properly creating Josias I leader role
  • Added sidebar images for Reichsstaat Cabal and Atlantic Battleground global conflicts
  • RND can not longer assist the Villasboa regime if the Democratios control Paraguay
  • Speer's econ tree now properly says the megacorps needs to be Waning and not Vulnerable for last focus of each corp specific branch
  • German espionage decisions can now all be taken at the exact values listed on the cost trigger
  • Fixed several espionage events missing tooltips for Bormann
  • Germany & the USA will no longer get events about their rival pulling ahead in the Battle of the Atlantic when Britain takes the lead
  • Germany will be able to interact with the Cabal during ceasefire scenarios
  • Germany's CCW decisions will now remove command power as a cost
  • Fixed Maurice espionage chain, no longer able to kill him twice
  • Hopefully fixed SAW Looming Failure mission reappearing
  • General Bob Smith will no longer show his support for the monarchy in post-Gaxotte reconciliation
  • Meyer-Landrut should no longer lose all his gains in Ostland if Speer puppets them mid-war
  • Added in value = 1 to the timed country flags for the Speer EconMech, hopefully fixing the issue of the timed flags not applying properly
  • Added the SGR_SAW_withdrawal flag to the pullout decision so you can now properly take related focuses and decisions
  • Switched FROM to OSL in the coring scripted effect for Ostland
  • Removed BLR core on Wilna, removed MST cores on Wilna, Wiljeka, Minsk-Stadt
  • MST tag should now core all of Ostland if Speer intervenes
  • If Ireland passes the Tariff Commission Repeal Act, it no longer sets them to Closed Economy
  • England now has a seal in the fopo tab during the Battle for England
  • Fixed OC defeats being listed as victories for Germany, turns out an easy way to not have a war is to not exist
  • Bormann can now get the benefits from the UAR forming if the OC ends prior to its formation
  • Espionage idea for countries at war with Germany now list the correct intel agency rather than just leaving a blank
  • Made French AI more violent in their civil war scenarios
  • The Firipin Shotō Rinji now has the Imperial Protectorate status rather than the Fully Dependent Member of the Sphere status
  • Morita no longer attempts to fix the space issue in the Tree Pearls
  • Vietnam will now lose the 'The Personalist Revolution' national spirit after the military coup
  • Indonesia will no longer sometimes liberate random CW tags in its peace deal
  • Philippine reconstruction should trigger correctly in FPR scenario
  • Fixed Philippine post-recon elections
  • One of UMAJF's divisions is no longer vacationing in Southern Italy at game start
  • Fixed several Kaya events displaying loc keys instead of the names of ministers
  • Fixed Garcia not being able to form the UFF when the Simbang Gabi coup fails
  • The national spirit "The Extremist's Handprint" now has an icon
  • Decolonising Israel will no longer cause the collapse of our reality
  • Decolonising Lebanon will no longer cause the collapse of our reality
  • Decolonising Palestine will no longer cause the collapse of our reality
  • Italy's party pops now update correctly after FD election
  • Montenegro now gets both its states back if it dies to Croatia
  • UAR no longer uses a spirit icon with José Martí
  • Iberia's mission to retake Algeria after the death of Salazar now can be completed
  • Fixed numerous misspellings of Khrushchev
  • Fixed South Urals Prototype MANPADS tech gfx
  • Fixed Magnitogorsk triggers not displaying amount of subjects needed for decisions
  • Turkes Kenes should surely be concluded within 500 days
  • Zlatoust now gets the correct cosmetic tags and cores post-deunification
  • Chita Smuta mission "Exporting the Chita Model" no longer disappears immediately
  • Magadan Regional dev decision no longer appears at any point for any leader
  • WerBell's invasion of Mali contracts no longer appear during WAC
  • Fixed WerBell Smuta decisions not unlocked
  • Siberia no longer has to wait 30 days to invade if the other superregional hasn't formed
  • Fixed several Russian tags have +40% war support or stability effects in their Smuta trees
  • Tomsk focus no longer refers to Shostakovich as Shotakovich
  • Fixed Kemerovo event using the wrong description and title
  • Far East state fishing spirits no longer refer to the wrong ocean
  • Sablin's party wing mechanic no longer shows the Bukharinists as only having very high or very low influence
  • Sablin's Army reform decisions now have same requirements as the Economic reforms
  • Sablin's Chita occupation flavor event now has effects
  • Fixed Petlin's Magadan sometimes getting 2 Bastion of Free Trade spirits during superregional
  • Fixed Onega using some pre-UB Finland lore
  • Removed some starting ideas from warlords that shouldn't be there in the Omsk collapse
  • Removed military access between ZLT and YGR in the Omsk collapse
  • If Komi forms the united front with WRRF, it now keeps the same flag rather than reverting to the Center Komi flag
  • Rewrote a Samara event didn't make sense with how landline telephones work
  • Onega's Volunteer Guard decisions now stay active for as long as Left Komi exists in addition to the previous WRRF
  • Fixed issue with Onega deunifying West Russia where the former unifier could still declare war on the South Urals
  • Onega beating West Siberia no longer creates border gore
  • States spit out by Onega beating West Siberia now join their faction
  • Reworked Dzhermen Gvishiani minister portrait so he no longer looks like a tiny baby man

Balance Changes

  • Weakened the Japanese decisions in Turkes Kenes
  • Easier to keep the tension level higher in Turkes Kenes
  • The Yasuda crisis will no longer cause a quarter of Japan's GDP to disappear
  • Costs for dockyards reduced by 60%
  • Greatly reduced pp from people joining the ComIntern
  • Lowered the Command Power Costs for the USA, IBR, GER, and JAP in the Colombian Civil War Global Conflict
  • Changed the IBR CCW Bribe Officials and Granting loan decisions to use money instead of PP
  • Rebalancing IBR CCW decision costs to be cheaper
  • COL, CLL, CLD, and CLC's starting OOBs have been renamed and rebalanced

QoL Improvements

  • A world event now triggers for the start of Icelandic election proxy, so players besides the US know why the proxy is happening
  • US Fopo decision USA_assist_reconstruction now grants a 3% GDP boost to the UPH or SPH depending on who is alive
  • Increased PHI's starting unit count as well as changing their starting supply to 1.0
  • Reducing the infantry battalions in the UPH from 9 to 6 in template 'Infantry Division'

Other Changes

  • Replaced America with Turkey in the Turkes Kenes proxy to reflect updated skeleton content
  • Updated 2 political screen UI assets
  • Germany can now take its South African War focuses as long as the war is running
  • Japan's faction has been renamed back to Dai Tōa Kyōeiken
  • PALF Burkina Faso has had its name changed
  • The Harbin 3's Smuta occupation decisions now integrate each other generals along pre-UB lines
  • Modernists use the Liberal Technocracy subid
  • Marcos' cosmetic tag is now the Third Philippine Republic
  • Cocos Islands and Christmas Island have had cultures adjusted
  • Cleaned up gui for army and navy traits screens
  • Non-Russian communists can no longer refound the NKVD as their default intel agency
  • LaR intel agencies no longer use hardcoded names
  • Event pic files have been reorganized, expect issues for submods
  • FMA and PALF now properly prepare to invade Zarmaland and Sokoto after FMA vs PALF WAC
  • Reenabled WAA vs PALF Scenario
  • Russian tags get reduced dockyard costs up until reunification
  • Magadan's RFP now gets renamed prior to it splitting into factions
  • Magadan event about M1 Garands now actually gives M1 Garands
  • Dirlewanger's Anarchy now has a description
  • Changed the colors of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Costa Rica
  • WAC now appears as ongoing in the global conflicts menu
  • Mano Campaign's outcome now gives Cold War points
  • Naval assign leader menu and Army assign leader menu now uses same format for their topbars
  • Utopian Socialism is now a subid of progressivism
  • Echeverria's ideology is now changed to Christian Progressivism
  • WAC Toggle Equipment decisions now change icons based on visiblity
  • Mali no longer gets a WAA faction status after FMA wins in Scenario 3
  • Hooked up events from Matsushita's Riots which were missed from 1.4.0 release