Red Army Faction

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The Red Army Faction (German: Rote Armee Fraktion) is a radical and militant far-left organization operating in the Greater Germanic Reich. Led by Ulrike Meinhof, the RAF aim to purge Germany of everything Nazi and form a Communist state.


The RAF are strictly anti-fascist and violently opposed to Nazism. They believe the formation of a communist state is the first step towards ridding not just Germany but the world of Nazi taint. They have developed their own ideology as well, which believes the German people as a nation has been polluted by Nazism, and thus must be purged of its influence.


There are three scenarios in which the Red Army Faction can emerge following the German Civil War:


  • The Red Army Faction operated in West Germany between 1970 and 1998. As in OTL, it included members such as Meinhof and Andreas Baader.
  • Their policy of Anti-Germanism bears a lot of similarites with a Japanese New Left ideology known as "Anti-Japaneseism.[1]" It was a rather extreme form of the New Left ideology which believed the Japanese nation was morally corrupted by Imperialism and possessed an inherit aggressive nature, thus could not be redeemed. They further went on to claim only those who admitted such and actively worked against Japan's self interest could be redeemed.