Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg

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The Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg are one of the many warlords arising in the wake of the collapse of the Holy Russian Empire, following the death of Sergey Taboritsky. It is controlled by a clique of hardline Marxist-Leninists from Tyumen led by Mikhail Pervukhin, whose cult of personality, all-encompassing surveillance, gulag labour and heavy-handed economic planning are seen as harsh but fair measures in the aftermath of Taboritsky's rule.

National Spirits

The Final Revolution
  • Stability.pngStability: -35.00%
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +100.0%
The effects of Pervukhin's revolution have been profound - and hardly pleasant. Revolutionary ferver has once more gripped Orenburg, trials of collaborators are underway, and even the slightest. bit of evidence against one's neighbor may have them facing a revolutionary tribunal. In this state of eternal revolution against reaction, the new Revolutionary Communes cannot afford to spare mercy.
The New Land of Iron
  • Construction Speed: +25.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: +15.00%
With the failure of the old communes to protect the peoples of Orenburg, and the horrific regime fosterred upon the once free communes by Taboritsky's mad regency, the now-radicalized population of Orenburg has turned to the ideology professed by the Party men from Tyumen to defend themselves from a potential imperial resurgence. Uner Pervukin, Orenburg is being transferred into a land of iron and industry, with every resource possible being poured into strengthening the state.
Salted Earth
  • Monthly Population: -45.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Division Attrition: +15.0%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.0%
  • Construction Speed: -25.00%
The greatest mark that the Regent's Holy Russian Empire has left across the motherland is that of salted earth and ruined fields, the legacy of the vast amounts of chemical agents deployed against insurgents and other enemies during the process of unification. As a result, vast amounts of fertile land has been poisoned, formerly critical water sources has been rendered unsafe to drink, and forests have been stripped bare. Untainted food and water is rare in the post-imperial wasteland- and all of the motherland shall suffer for it.


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg Flag.png
Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg Marxism-Leninism subideology.pngMarxism-Leninism
United Revolutionary State of Russia Russian reunification