Secret Armed Organisation

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The Secret Armed Organisation (Organisation Armée Secrète/OAS) is a armed organization fighting the French State when the French Civil War breaks out.


Originally emerging as the secret police of the French State against counter-terrorism from the French Resistance, pressure of the French government to eradicate the resistance cells has led to the OAS becoming incredibly empowered on a high alarming rate, going as far as the organization ignoring instructions of both the government, police officials and military officials. Many in the French government have been fearing the OAS growing bold of in time as the organization becomes more and more powerful.


The OAS can potentially emerge from the collapse of a failed French State. To do so, a few requirements are needed to be fulfilled in order to witness the rise of the country:

  1. The Greater Germanic Reich must drag France into their sphere in the Italo-German Great Game.
  2. Brittany must outlast the French & German invasion of Brittany.

Should the French white peace with the Bretons, the State will see a total collapse. From Marseille, the OAS will emerge with a fascist government as well as the Socialist French Resistance will rise up in La Rochelle. The OAS will spawn with a number of 4 divisions made up of 8-width infantry with no support equipment. All completely equipped.