Sigurd Ømann

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In-Game Biography

When Sigurd Ømann arrived in Bornholm, he tore down a stained flag and raised a new banner. Like Napoleon in Elba, he will return to his homeland - only not as a king, but as a liberator.

The Copenhagen collaborators may attempt to blot it out wherever they can, but Ømann remembers a time without the constant need to worry about the wolf at the door. He remembers the salad days when a nation could breathe freely without a Nazi jackboot on their throats. Another freedom surrendered to Germany, all to maintain a grotesque parody of what once was.

Ømann remembers it all, but he can not afford to be a witless nostalgic when it comes to undoing - only ruthlessness can achieve results. His more theory-addled comrades whispered venom behind his back for the party's turn to the more pragmatic, even lashing out at him for his deals with anti-communists. But at the end of the day, when he hears each traitor soldier killed, he smiles, knowing he made the right decision.

Now he and his people make their stand, against the Nazi murder machine and its Danish puppet, in the name of everyone and everything they have lost to it. Ømann can't predict what will happen next but remains unbowed, knowing it is better to be free for a day than a slave for eternity.