South Africa national focus tree

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As one of the playable countries in the Don't Surf demo, the Union of South Africa has a unique national focus tree.

South Africa's Situation branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
USA The South Africa Plan.png
South Africa's Situation

South Africa:
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
  • Gets event Alone in the Wild
South Africa is slowly falling into chaos. Civil Strife and political gridlock are everywhere, and society itself is slowly fracturing into warring factions, each vying for control of the state: the mere fact that we are a monarchy without a king shows how deep our indecision is. No matter our efforts in mending the rift, every inch of the bridge we build is immediately torn down by those who would only gain from our suffering.

South Africa is on the brink of total collapse, and only a miracle can keep it whole. However, in these dark times, few remain brave enough to hope...
The Issues We face.png
The Issues We Face
South Africa:
  • Requires the following:
    • USA The South Africa Plan.pngSouth Africa's Situation

South Africa:
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%
  • Gets event The Quiet American
Our country is deeply divided. As the Germans like to say, there is a "racial question": the whites, be it Anglos or Boers, are heavily outnumbered by the natives, who are almost entirely deprived of political representation. Despite our government's recent efforts to improve their standing, the Africans still live in poverty and without even basic services.

Our reforms, however, have caused another drift, this time within the white community: the Boers, descendants of the first Dutch colonists, deeply believe in racial segregation, and think that what we are doing will only grant the "coloured" the chance to rebel against their masters.

This brings us to the most pressing issue: the Germans are funneling support to the National Party. The three Reichskommissariats claim they do it "to protect fellow aryans of Dutch descent against runaway slaves and to establish peaceful relations on their southern borders ", but everyone knows that the Boers are the perfect tool to add South Africa to their list of colonies...

No matter what, South Africa will endure. We must!
SAF Monarchy Debate.png
The Monarchy Debate
South Africa:
  • Requires the following:
    • The Issues We face.pngThe Issues We Face

South Africa:
  • Gets event Hertzog's Speech
The most divisive issue among the white community is indeed the debate between monarchy and republic. This seemingly political question, in truth, hides a much deeper division running across the entire country like an untended, festering wound: on one hand, we wish to hold the country together in the face of changing times, relying on the monarchy to mend differences and find common purpose with the force of our traditions.

On the other, the National Party wishes to subvert our beautiful land into a bad copy of Germany, a racially segregated society where millions live in poverty and fear, and a republican regime is what they need: they know they hold the majority among the whites, enabling them to force through their so-called "reforms". Can't the Boers see the error in their ways? Can't they see that Germany is falling apart because they did what the Hertzog is now trying to do? We can't be the only rational ones in this continent!
African National Congress.png
The African National Congress
South Africa:
  • Requires the following:
    • The Issues We face.pngThe Issues We Face

South Africa:
  • Gets event In the Defendant's Dock
The ANC along with their more radical cousin the Pan African Congress is probably the greatest long-term threat to our stability. While the Boers are currently more dangerous, this Pan-African vanguard is slowly building up its forces the more our country is plunged into instability. Despite our benevolent rule, many Africans still complain that society is still largely segregated: the army, the civil service, politics and even the economy are dominated by the white minority. For them, both Anglos and Boers are the enemy just because we are white.

Every day, more and more join this organization. Should we fail to conquer their trust with our actions, the African National Congress will surely try to gain true freedom for their people. With force.
USA Keep It Clean2.png
Schedule a Referendum
South Africa:
  • Requires the following:
    • SAF Monarchy Debate.pngThe Issues We Face
    • African National Congress.pngThe African National Congress
We will gain decisions regarding the referendum and the popular support of the opposing factions.

South Africa:
  • Gets event Referendum Celebrations
  • Set country flag SAF_referendum_decisions
Despite our attempts at killing the motion supported by the National Party for a referendum on the monarchy, the opposition resorted to total obstruction of the Parliament to force our hand. After almost a week of gridlock, when the people started taking the streets in protest, we caved, and accepted to vote their proposal in exchange for the return of stability.

We shouldn't have done that. Now, the radicals are causing even more chaos than before, and our hands are tied by our own decision: we dance to their cacophony, and we ourselves choose the score. We have tried everything to delay the vote in the last months, but the NP threatened us just as they did before, and officially disavowing the consultation would be the final nail in South Africa's coffin. We MUST schedule the referendum, we can only pray we win...
GER convene the parties.png
A Plan for the Future
South Africa:
  • Requires the following:
    • USA Keep It Clean2.pngSchedule a Referendum

South Africa:
  • Gets event Choosing Our Strategy
The future looks grim enough as it is, and we need to plan so that the situation doesn't get even worse. The matter of the black majority is especially pressing, but it could also become an opportunity: if we managed to secure their support by enacting sweeping reforms, reminding them that the true enemy is the NP, we could present a united front against them and their German backers, winning the referendum by a landslide with the African vote.

However, not all are in favor of this proposal. There are those, even within our government, who believe in reconciliation with the National Party in the name of a "Government of the Civilized" against the native threat; from their point of view, the best way to win the Afrikaan vote would be a crackdown against rebel Negroes, followed by a general strengthening of the police to guarantee order.

There is no more time to delay: we need to make a choice now.