Svetlana Bukharina

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Svetlana Bukharina is a Left Communist politician in Komi.


As the daughter General Secretary Nikolai Bukharin, Svetlana Bukharina grew up at the top of Soviet society, being granted the best academies, attending galas and cultural exhibitions with the party's upper echelon, and carefully spent her time observing her father's debates and political maneuvers. As the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed, both Nikolai and Svetlana disappeared in to the warlord dominated chaos. Rumors would have it that she was in hiding with her father, assassinated by a political rival or, most ridiculously, hiding in a bunker underneath Moscow. These rumours were quashed when she remerged in Syktyvkar in the multi-party democracy of Komi. In the years following the West Russian War, Komi proved to be a magnet for all those looking for a power grab, or whose ambitions didn't align with any of the existing war lords. Joining the Communist Party of Komi, she was recruited as a "propaganda coup" against other political movements in Komi, hoping to keep her under their thumb and use her father's legacy to their benefit.

Little did they expect that she would have her own political ambitions. Making various back room deals and consolidating her support base, she can launch an internal coup against those who once tried to control her. She is observant of the characteristics of those surrounding her, and specifically keeps an eye out for their weaknesses, such as being "yes men" or chanting more nationalist rhetoric than expected for any socialists. Following a form of Left Communism, she is staunchly against the ultravisionaries of Komi's socialist movement. Wanting to continue the ambition of Marxism, she seeks to reestablish the Soviet Union, but learning from the mistakes of her father, she hopes to have her political enemies to come around to her vision upon seeing the joy and community of her socialist community. Using celebration to show the positive light of a progressive society. She believes that excessive repression and authoritarianism will only cement the mental barriers to socialism that her opponents have. She does quickly move to silence her opposition and install a loyal police force, but without outright suppressing them. Indeed, upon the event that she assumes power and shortly after the Luftwaffe raids over West Russia stop, a massive firework display to celebrate their "victory day" a show an example of their joyful communities of socialists. A cunning politician, she isn't afraid to make deals and undermine her opponents to achieve her goals. Looking to achieve a truly progressive form of socialism, many social issues are questioned such as the role of women. Bukharina's Komi is a socially progressive and economically socialist form of Marxism and, like many of her enemies, she hopes to reunite Russia. But, unlike her father, she will not let Russia slip through her fingers.

Quote upon unification

"Tremble, robbers! Your hour has struck. The world of oppression, slavery and tears is being replaced by the bright world of the international brotherhood of workers!"

—Alexandra Kollontai