Tomislav II

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Tomislav II (formerly known as Aimone, Duke of Aosta) is the King of the Italian client Independent State of Croatia.


King Tomislav II, previously known as Aimone Roberto Margherita Maria Giuseppe Torino di Savoia-Aosta, was inaugurated against his will as the new Croatian king while the throes of WWII were still shaking Europe. Once a Prince of Italy's royal house, Aimone found himself at the head of a nation which he had no love for - he didn't speak a word of Croatian nor had he even ever been there, as he was picked simply because of his noble blood.

Upon being forced into kingship, Aimone soon found that his title was nothing but a farce, a thin disguise for the iron fisted rule of Ante Pavelić, commander of the brutal Ustaše fascist movement.The creation of Atlantropa brought further woe upon Croatia, already plagued by the ruthless ethnic and religious violence wrought on the population by the Ustaše, as the destruction of what little was left of the nation's fishing and naval industry caused the collapse of its already weak economy. The only thing resembling good news was that with Pavelić's death in 1959, Italy, now with Ciano at the helm, seized the chance to actively oppose the Ustaše, forcing them underground.

Now, power stays firmly in the hands of a cadre of Italian advisors and military officers, with King Tomislav II being an unwilling farce of king ruling over a broken nation that hates him and the foreign oppression he represents. With dissent in the country reaching unbearable levels, Croatia might very soon reveal itself to be a powder keg sitting right next on Italy's borders - and the fuse is getting shorter by the day.