Tomsk national focus tree

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As one of the Russian unifiers, Tomsk has a unique national focus tree.

The complete Tomsk national focus tree.

Initial Focus Tree

The initial Tomsk focus tree under President Pasternak.
Title Prerequisites Effects and Description
A Year Away from Woland No national focus prerequisites Gets event 'The Years of Steel, the Years of Ashes'.

When our provisional leader Boris pasternak decided on his experiment, to form a new society of intellectuals in the depths of Siberia, little did he know how far it would get. The Republic found itself as a bastion of democratic tradition, as it became surrounded by tyrants, sometimes coated in red paint, sometimes not. Even the writer-president himself was soon overwhelmed by the task of guiding the nation through storm after storm.

Now in his seventies, Pasternak is an old and fragile man. Yet, at no point did he lose the respect of his followers, fellow arists or scientists. Being sick, he has enclosed himself in that presidential residence, writing - whether that is proposed laws and acts, or creative texts of his own. The people who have surronded him are the very best, and have played an increasingly significant role in governing, but everyone knows that the days of our leader are numbered. When that time comes, we must be ready, and continue his legacy.

First Election Focus Tree

The post-death of President Pasternak focus tree.
Title Prerequisites Effects and Description