Vasily Shukshin

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Vasily Shukshin is the current Vice-President of the Federation of Novosibirsk and Altay.


"Born in 1929 in Altai Krai, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was an aspiring author prior to his dabbling in politics and his election as mayor of Barnaul. Shukshin has trekked a long road so far, one which seems endless: a prior ally of Pokryshkin when the Federation had just seceded from the Central Siberian Republic, Vasily quickly came to head with his former ally and his corporate associates, their creeping corruption clashing with Shukshin's ideals of democracy and federalism, ideals keeping his head afloat as he arranged backroom deals and negotiations necessary for his candidacy as president of the Federation to stand a chance. Now newly elected and having wrestled control away of the country from the Siloviks, Vasily isn't in a position to sit back and relax: though the Siloviks aren't in control anymore, the president has to deal with the still very present corporations and the damages their corruption has caused and is still causing to the Republic. If he wants to see this budding democracy bloom in the desert that is Russia, he will have to face troubles caused undoubtedly by corporations during his tenure as president."

Quote upon unification

"Something remains in us from the homeland that it lives in us all our life, now gladdening at times tormenting, and it always seems that we will someday see it, our homeland."

—Vasily Shukshin