Vasyl Stus

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Vasyl Stus (born 6th January 1938) is a Ukrainian politician who represents the hardline anti-fascist, anti-communist Partisan faction in the Republic of Ukraine.

In-Game Biography

President of Ukraine

Poet, soldier, writer, and resistance member, Vasyl Stus is a great many things. More than most, however, he believes in a free Ukraine. A free Ukraine that does not come from betraying the core ideals of freedom, or the base aspects of common sense. A free Ukraine to be proud of, and that is capable of remaining free. With a broad anti-German coalition behind him, and the Reich in crisis, it seems that if Ukraine has even the slightest hope of achieving this, it is now.

As a young man, Stus caught wind of the Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army in Galicia and has since fought for their cause, though he has since picked up a civilian position. With the war of liberation won, and the election firmly in hand, many are anxious about the future. Some fear Ukraine will run itself into the ground. Others believe it is throwing away its opportunity for freedom. Many within the ranks of Stus' own political alliance believe Ukraine cannot uphold the values of liberty at home and remain free from the Germans at the same time.

Stus fears they might be right.

Head of the Department of People's Education

Vasyl Stus cannot recall a life free from the jackboot. Born in 1938, his earliest memories were of the German invasion, and his life has been shadowed by its effects ever since. Headstrong and loathing his circumstances, his early rebellions were tempered by more careful voices, who inducted Stus into a safer form of resistance: underground literature, where his anger was honed and filed down into scathing poetry.

Fifteen years of pouring his anger out onto paper has prepared him for a new position in the UNRA: their chief PR man, who motivates soldiers and civilians alike to dream of and fight for a free Ukraine. He is the young face of militant anti-fascism within the UNRA, articulating a vision for victory and inspiring the will to fight for it.