Veli Kayyum Han

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Veli Kayyum Han is a Uzbek nationalist and leader of the Turkestan Legion.


With the end of the war, the country that had oppressed Kayum-Khan's ethnic group for so long completely collapsed, and Uzbekistan finally had a chance to become free. He would quickly go back to his homeland, and help it achieve independence. This effort succeeded, and he would become the nation's leader, steering it towards a fascist autocracy. He believes in pan-Turanism, and his ultimate goal is to unite all peoples in Central Asia. Of course, the first step to do that is to defeat the treasonous Karakalpaks, who have seceded from the country.

Even though he rules with an iron fist, Kayum-Khan still faces a strong opposition. Many are not loyal to his fascist government, with some even harboring communist sympathies. If he is to maintain his power as the leader of Uzbekistan, all who do not have faith in his doctrine will need to be dealt with.