Vyatka national focus tree

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As one of the Russian unifiers, Vyatka has a unique national focus tree.

The initial Vyatka national focus tree.

The initial Vyatka national focus tree can be divided into one branch with four sub-branches:

Return of the Emperor branch
This is the main branch of the Vyatka's national focus tree, it can advance the plot and decide ​Vyatka's fate.
The Vyatka Distillery sub-branch
This sub-branch allows Vyatka to develop its economy.
Imperial Austerity sub-branch
This sub-branch allows Vyatka to enact austerity measures.
A Tangled Web sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with Vyatka's internal politics.
The Emperor's Speech sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with Vyatka's military.

Return of the Emperor branch

Vyatka return of the king-0.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Return of the Emperor No national focus prerequisites Political Power: +25.

During the West Russian War, in the heydays when the Revolutionary Front could bring Germany to its knees, something unthinkable happened. From all the chaos and din was born Vyatka, a radical throwback to the times before the Bolsheviks. A monarchist state in a Russia that had lost its faith in kings and emperors. However, its existence may not be so paradoxical after all. The reds have failed Russia, and now its people look for an alternative, a reaction, a hope, to hearken back to a time when the Germans feared them.

However, we must pay attention to our immediate surroundings. The Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov has yet to be crowned Emperor. He bides his time, sharing his pain and suffering with the peoples of Vyatka, as gilded crowns and titles bring only cold comfort to them. Now, as the skies quieted, he has judged it an apt time to declare himself Emperor and set in motion the rebirth and reconstitution of Russia, with him as its head. The two-headed eagle shall soar again, free and untainted from the failures of the past.

An Economic Graveyard Requires Return of the Emperor Gets event 'From Berlin with Love'.

In the aftermath of the war, the then-Grand Duke was startled awake by the screaming of bombers. The treacherous Germans have decided that the only means of keeping Russia on its knees was to maintain a terror-bombing effort across its lands. In the meantime, what economy Russia had above village-scale collapsed, as the people quit the roads and trade stopped. Factories were either abandoned or bombed. Now, we lack even the essential means to fund basic, rudimentary civil services and military.

While the bombings still continue, we can still take stock of the economy. The government has one task: to evaluate our capabilities and natural resources and to look for directions to go. If we are to reunify Russia, we need a strong springing-board from which we launch our noble crusade. For Vyatka to serve that purpose, we must rebuild it, and raise its people from ashes up to their knees. Then, and only then, the other peoples of Russia shall look at it in envy, for our wise Emperor rules over it.

Legacy of the Empire Requires Return of the Emperor Political Power: +35.
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.

Almost half a century ago, Russia was a great nation. A Third Rome, the predominant power of Eastern Europe.

That was, until the Bolsheviks came, using their insidious cumming they infiltrated the government and seduced the peasantry to their side. They had our noble Emperor and his family shot dead like criminals, and began a reign of terror that leaves its mark to thus day. Of course, once they had secured their legitimate power, the incompetence with which they governed was swiftly revealed, and when the Germans came they were swept aside like the rabble they were.

Now, with Russia divided as it is, there comes an opportunity to restore its former glory, to destroy the last vestiges of the red menace and return Emperor Vladimir to his rightful throne; to reclaim our rightful place in the world, and retake the lands that were lost under the corrupt reign of Communism.

The Vyatka Distillery sub-branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Vyatka Distillery Requires An Economic Graveyard We will increase popular support by a small amount.
Gains National Spirit Vyatka Vodka, which grants (Consumer Goods Factories: -5%, Factory Output: +5.00%.)

During the war and the bombing proceeding it, vodka had become scarce as alcohol producers abandoned their distilleries and potato farmers retreated into subsistence farming to better adapt to the harsh realities of life in a chaotic Russia. Still, vodka is the Russian way of life, and many people, not just Russians, would pay good money for a swig or shot of it. Its rarity and value meant that, in some parts of the country, the good old liquor was good old money.

With this in mind, the Emperor has proposed to the government two things. The first is to plant and farm potatoes, providing the people with a food source and jobs, as well as the ingredients for vodka. The second is to rebuild and restore distilleries for vodka to eventually flow out in a steady stream. Doing both of these things, the Emperor reasoned, will let us create a new source of income by targeting a market oft-ignored by our adversaries. The Russians are a hard-drinking people, after all, and all our adversaries will want it. Through trade, we will ensure a stable income, giving us more room and money for other projects, so that one day we can rule over this land again.

The Imperial Potato Act Requires The Vyatka Distillery
Mutually exclusive with Alternative Uses
Our Agriculture Societal Development will begin to improve.
2x 50% Research bonus for: Industry.

The alcohol industry we have built has kicked off at last. Alcohol is flowing out of distilleries dotted around Vyatka, and profits are rising. The government now has more to work with, and there is employment to be found in making vodka. The economy is growing, or at least has stopped contracting into itself.

There is a single problem is sustaining this growth, however. As our markets expand, the distilleries have realized that despite the order to grow potatoes for vodka, we still have a shortage of them to ferment. The solution to this is the Imperial Potato Act. In it, the government stipulates aid, both in land and labor for farmers that agree to grow potato predominantly. Hopefully, this will incentivize the farmers to grow the crop and ensure a steady supply for our distilleries.

This done, the government, along with the Emperor, will look into foreign markets to sell the Vyatka-brand vodka. It won't be long until the Bretons, French, and Germans will down the liquor of Russians, toasting to the Emperor's name.

Alternative Uses Requires The Vyatka Distillery
Mutually exclusive with The Imperial Potato Act
Our Research Facilities Societal Development will begin to improve.
1x 50% Research bonus for: Field Hospital Technology.
1x 50% Research bonus for: Support technology.

With a burgeoning alcohol industry built up, we can now turn toward making another use for the byproducts of the distillation process. Though it is hard to believe, alcohol has other functions besides making people drunk. In its purer, non-consumptive forms, it is usable as a disinfectant, antiseptic, or antidote. Within Russia, where violence abounds daily, its value is evident.

At the cost of alcohol productivity, we can construct new laboratories adjacent to our newly-minted distilleries. Our workers can than use these to make pure alcohol for medical purposes. We can use the results to treat the wounds our soldiers incur on the field of battle, and reduce the rate of infection and dirty-wound deaths.

Using trade, we cam sell these to the other Russians. The profit influx can fund our armed forces and our efforts to deindustrialize Vyatka. And maybe, just maybe, warfare in Russia can be more civilized for once. It is the Emperor's end-goal, after all, to make Russia at peace with itself.

Find New Markets Requires one of the following:

- Alternative Uses
- The Imperial Potato Act

Perhaps the Emperor's old connections in Brittany could come in handy...

After the previous extensions to the production methods of our vodka, we now have more alcohol than anything else. Our merchants and traders cannot sell these to the Russian market; doing show would inundate it, sending our hard-earned profits down the drain. The Emperor and the government are looking abroad to solve this, as solutions to Prussia's problems do not necessarily lay in Russia.

In the years following the West Russian War and the OOFN blockade, the black markets of Brittany have grown and then swollen as luxury goods such as alcohol and films became scarce. The government, with imperial assent, suggests that the time has come to reach into this foreign business. Although it probably won't sell as well as in Russia, the thirst of Europeans for a new kind of drink should entice them to at least try it, whatever their racial theories are.

The Kostroma Pipeline Requires Find New Markets Political Power: +50.
Add 1 offmap Military Factory.

The establishment of a black market connection to Brittany has benefited us quite handily. Now we have an outlet for excess goods and alcohol we produce in our territory. However, as our industry continues to boom, we need a closer path to trade outside of Russia proper, on account for Brittany's distance and risk. Thankfully, we can solve this quickly.

Kostroma sits in a convenient position; sandwiched between the Russians and the Germans and serving as a gateway from one to the other. The porous border presents the Russians that rule from across it a soft and easy raiding prey. We, however, have a whole other use for it. By utilizing Kostroma's access to Moskowien, we can reach the innards of the Reich, and gain more profit than ever before. Though it is distasteful to cooperate with Grmans, this is only a temporary measure. The empire will not long stand it.

Rolling on the River Requires Find New Markets We will increase economic strength by a small amount.
Political Power: +35.

The Vikings of old - ancestors to the Romanovs, some say - have navigated the rivers of Russia from their sources down to their mouths for centuries. While they have brought many things along with them, including conquest and war, the government is interested in mainly one other thing: trade. By using river currents, commerce can flow faster on it than on land. Thankfully, in Vyatka itself, there is a river that will lend itself to this purpose.

The Vyatka River, a right tributary of the Kama, sits beside the city of Vyatka, with a defunct port protecting into its depths. It flows from Udmurtia down to the Caspian Sea, passing many cities and towns along the way. The plan is thus: to reopen the wharves of the. capital city and to inject into the Vyatka trade and commerce. With this, our vodka and goods can reach the down- and upriver markets, and, one day, maybe Vyatka itself could become a hub of trade.

A New Hub of Trade Requires all of the following:

- The Kostroma Pipeline
- Rolling on the River

We will increase economic strength by some amount.
Our Poverty Rate Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.


  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.


  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

With the establishment of the river ports along the Vyatka, as well as trade connections and routes through Brittany and Kostroma, our city of Vyatka has swollen in size, and new industrial factories dot the countryside. Goods are finding their places in the market, and revenue is flowing nicely. We are prospering, and every day we inch closer to the old, pre-war economy.

The Emperor is not a complacent man, however. He and his government have put forward a radical plan to recast Vyatka as a trade hub. By rebuilding the roads, restoring the power lines, and expanding the wharves, trade and commerce will take root in Vyatka, cementing its position as the premier trade hub in the region. With this done, Vyatka will be the lighthouse from which Imperial glory shines over Russia. At its apex, the Emperor will look forward, for the day that the two-headed eagle soars again.

Imperial Austerity sub-branch

Vyatka austerity better quality.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Imperial Austerity Requires An Economic Graveyard Gets event 'Imperial Austerity'.

The Emperor has ordered his most loyal accountants to take stock of Vyatka's economy. Adjusting for low economic growth throughout the German terror-bombing, he had expected it to be damaged, but with some sectors intact. When the reports came, he was startled to find out that Vyatka has very little. Factories are run-down, bombed. Farmers abandon their fields and return to subsistence farming. Only a few artisans practiced crafts and other industrial methods.

This has to change. To set the stage for an economic revival, the government has presented to the Emperor a plan for austerity. Though it may be hard to admit, his domain cannot continue to function without a steady amount of cash flow. As such, the government is planning to cut patrols, wages, and what little remained of its educational system. However, this is only a temporary humiliation, for the Emperor has other plans in store.

Moderate Austerity Programs Requires Imperial Austerity
Mutually exclusive with More Extreme Measures
We will increase economic strength by a small amount.

With the groundwork for the austerity programs in place, the Emperor has approved further deliberation on its specifics. The government itself, bearing in mind the hardship of the people and the necessity for a swift economic recovery, is divided between two factions. Whichever the Emperor chooses, he must balance his wish for his people's contentedness with his desire for Russia's reunification under the Imperial eagle.

With that in perspective, the Emperor has the option for his austerity programs to be moderate. Steady cuts to balancing the budget are necessary and will continue, but the monarchy adopts for its face a humane one. The Emperor, driven by compassion, will not impose a burden on the people that they cannot bear. Russia can wait, a Russia without its people is no Russia at all.

More Extreme Measures Requires Imperial Austerity
Mutually exclusive with Moderate Austerity Programs
We will increase economic strength by some amount.
This will decrease popular support by a small amount.
Political Power: +50.

With the groundwork for the austerity programs in place, the Emperor has approved further deliberation on its specifics. The government itself, bearing in mind the hardship of the people and the necessity for a swift economic recovery, is divided between two factions. Whichever the Emperor chooses, he must balance his wish for his people's contentedness with his desire for Russia's reunification under the Imperial eagle.

Public Works Projects Requires Moderate Austerity Programs Our Industrial Expertise Societal Development will begin to improve.

Every owned state:

  • Add 1 Infrastructure.

After the bombing campaign, the state of Russian infrastructure was universal: railroads that used to carry goods from Kamchatka to Moscow lay in rust, and the old concrete roads lay in disrepair. In Vyatka and much of Russia people had come to rely on local paths and trail guides to get anywhere. With the lack of easy access to the optimal routes, the economy likewise slowed down and decayed. In his domain alone, the Emperor faces high unemployment and a lack of business initiatives from its people.

To solve this, an idea has sprung up from the minds of economists working with His Imperial Majesty. They propose to the government to fund pub.ic works projects up and down Vyatka, repairing old road and paying new ones. With this, the government can provide employment and pay to its people, while rebuilding the infrastructure for commerce. An elegant solution, worthy of an Emperor.

Imperial Bank of Russia Requires Public Works Projects We will increase economic strength by a small amount.
We will increase popular support by some amount.


  • Add 1 Civillian Factory.

Along with trade and industry, finance was impossible during the terror bombing. With the collapse of the Communists' hated Union, there was no system of banking, nor was there a body regulating the flow of money. What remained of Russia's once robust financial system now lay with the communist remnants, with vodka and other valuable goods supplanting the rest. Saving and loans are now concentrated in the village level, without any partial reserve banking plans to encourage commerce.

With the establishment of public works and austerity programs, the next step to be taken in our economic recovery is the establishment of a central bank. Its establishment will imbue our currency with legitimacy and actual material backing, giving them value. It will also allow the government to regulate interest rates and loan money to enterprising individuals, therefore encouraging economic growth.

Divest Funds to the Military Requires More Extreme Measures
Increase Taxes Requires Divest Funds to the Military
Start of the Recovery Requires one of the following:
- Imperial Bank of Russia
- Increase Taxes
Our Poverty Rate Societal Development will begin to improve.
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.

It may be unwise to begin singing our own praises this early, but it appears that our recovery efforts have begun to pay off. Our economy is growing across the board, and new industries have even begun to spring up throughout the land. The road ahead is still a long one, though, and so far we have merely made it across the rickety old bridge at the start.

Vigilance must be kept if we are to maintain our forward momentum, and the programs we have begun implementing must be slowly expanded so as not to fall into obsolescence. If that can be done, however, then our nation's future will begin looking optimistic indeed, and before we know it the double-headed eagle will flutter over all of Russia once more! Onwards to full recovery! For God, for the Emperor, and above all for the motherland!

A Tangled Web sub-branch

Vyatka spiderman.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
A Tangled Web Requires Legacy of the Empire Gets event 'A Byzantine Bureaucracy'.

As much as the Russian Empire was considered a Third Rome, we must avoid inheriting the Second's vast and cumbersome bureaucracy. Unfortunately, as it stands we seem to be heading down that path. Vyatka's government is large and disorganized below the Emperor, largely the result of its impromptu establishment during the West Russian War.

There is much overlap between several of the different ministries, and positions exist which are either no longer needed or were wholly unnecessary in the first place. We must therefore work to untangle this web, formalizing the roles of government and getting rid of wasteful excess. Once this process is carried out, the Emperor's government will be a well-oiled machine ready to both accelerate our ascendance to power and manage the new territories we will inevitably acquire in the near future.

The Great Game Requires A Tangled Web Gets event 'A Nest of Vipers'.

Within the halls of Vyatka's many ministries, deals are brokered around the clock. Alliances are made and betrayed; promises of support are given and refused; compromising information is leaked and officials are dismissed. The Emperor's government is a divided one, and barely a day passes without one faction or other attempting to gain his favor.

Obviously, this is not conducive to his efforts to reunify Russia, but at the same time cracking down on it would only serve to weaken his primary base of support. Therefore all he can do for the time being is politely discourage backroom deals and sectarianism, and bide his time until the position of Vyatka is far less tenuous.

In the meantime, the game will continue as it always has. Influence will be accumulated and inevitably wasted; power will be gained and promptly lost. What will come of it, in the end? Even the Emperor himself can only guess.

Form the Imperial Council Requires The Great Game Political Power: +25.
Gain Base Stability: +5.00%.

For all his capability and virtue, Emperor Vladimir can't rule alone. Especially in this time of uncertainty, loyal retainers will be needed to help govern our territories and advise our leader on issues he may not be completely familiar with. An Imperial Council will be established, and on it the Emperor will put these who have proven their dedication to the cause of Russian monarchism.

These will not just be any men, either, but the finest minds of the land whose wisdom is unmatched by none but the Emperor himself. Eminent figures in the arts and sciences, those who have dedicated their entire life to the study of government - these will be the men who the Emperor will be able to rely on when the toughest decisions must be made. They will carry out his will as steadfast servants, and should he be incapacitated they will cary on governing in his steed until a full recovery is made.

The Many Shades of Monarchism Requires A Tangled Web Change in popularity of Liberal Democracy: 7.50%
Change in popularity of Conservative Democracy: 7.50%
Change in popularity of Authoritarian Democracy: 7.50%
Change in popularity of Despotism: 2.50%
Change in popularity of Fascism: 5.00%

Monarchism is merely a form of government rather than an ideology unto itself, and those advocating for it are as varied in their beliefs as Russia is in its vast territories. Vyatka is no exception: those in our government are united in their belief that Emperor Vladimir is the rightful ruler of all Russia, but precisely how he should rule is another question entirely.

Should he hold absolute power, his every word treated as the law?

Or perhaps a body should be created to both assist him in his rule and provide a check on his power, for even the most noble of men can't be entirely perfect.

Then again we can follow the example of Italy, and integrate the unity of purpose and militaristic strength of fascism into our government.

All of these forms of monarchy, and a great deal more, are advocated for in Vyatka. Which one will emerge dominant, however, is a question that it seems only time will answer.

Utilize the Okhrana Requires The Many Shades of Monarchism Gains National Spirit A Modern Age Okhrana, which grants (Reconnaissance: +5.0%, Encryption: +7.50%, Decryption: +7.50%, Damage to Garrisons: -15.00%).
Gets event 'The Spymaster'.

Every society has its dissidents, those who wish to see the government's fall and be replaced by one more to their liking, and the old Empire was proof of this rule. The Okhrana - the Emperor's secret police - was created to hunt down and deliver justice to those who would wish to see the destruction of Russia, but in the end it was not enough. When their leader was overthrown the organization was disbanded, and soon after the tide of Bolshevism swept the country.

But we can learn from the mistakes of the past. The Okhrana will be recreated, and the problems that led to their previous failure will be studies and rectified. Once again they will be established as the courageous guardians of our just Emperor, rooting out and punishing those who wish to see a repeat of the February Revolution. The, and only then, will the stability of the empire be ensured.

Imperial Detachment Requires all of the following:
- Form the Imperial Council
- Utilize the Okhrana

Mutually exclusive with The People's Emperor
Gains 'Imperial Detachment', which grants (Daily Political Power Gain: -0.15, Stability: +10.00%, Production Efficiency Cap: +10.00% for 365 days.

The Emperor is a Russian, just like all of us here, and it must be understood that that is enough. He is the one who must see the large picture, and personal attachment will merely tie him down; public visits will only waste valuable time; proving that he is in touch with his subjects will only serve to drag him down to their level. The Emperor is above the people, and separate from them. A beacon of virtue and nobility untouched by the petty rivalries and trifles of peasants and the vain scheming of the upper classes, a man who will look at an issue from all sides before finally deciding upon the best course of action.

The Empire will be an institution that commands respect, and the power it possesses will be distributed evenly with a just hand. This will be how we safeguard Russia against decadence and destruction at the hands of lesser men, and how our future generations will be taught to live in complete harmony.

The People's Emperor Requires all of the following:
- Form the Imperial Council
- Utilize the Okhrana

Mutually exclusive with Imperial Detachment
Gains 'The People's Emperor', which grants: (Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10, Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%, Factory Output: +10.00%) for 365 days.

The Emperor is a Russian, just like all of us here, and he must prove that to his subjects. Emperor Vladimir will show himself to understand th needs of the common man, visiting villages and giving speeches from the balcony of his palace. He will accept petitioners from across the land and attend to the needs of the people first and foremost, demonstrating his love of Russia's people firsthand. Stories of the Emperor personally visiting and conversing with his subjects will spread like a blizzard, and soon all will understand his noble intentions.

This will prove once and for all that the Empire is the institution closest to the people, not the deceiving Bolsheviks and foolish democrats, and a presidents will be set for all of our future rulers. The Emperor may be above everyone else, but he is not separate, and If that idea is set in stone then our future generations will know what it is like to live in true harmony with each other.

A Cultured Court Requires one of the following:
- Imperial Detachment
- The People's Emperor
Political Power: +50.
Gain Base Stability: +7.50%.

During the time of Keter the Great, Russia's Imperial Court became known the world over for both its splendor and intelligence. Within the gilded palaces of the old Tsars one could find the finest minds that our land had to offer, creating works of the greatest magnificence and beauty for their patrons.

If we are to revive the spirit of the old Empire, we must first reestablish its cultural heart. We will invite to the new court artists, musicians and writers from throughout our territories, paying them generous sums of money to create compositions that will usher in a new generation of Russian culture. Court fashions will be formalized, and architects will be hired to build new palaces that will replace the ones we have temporarily lost. Once more the world will know of Russia's artistic greatness. and through it they will see that the Emperor is her rightful ruler.

The Emperor's Speech sub-branch

Vyatka emperors speech-0.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Emperor's Speech Requires Legacy of the Empire Gets event 'The Emperor's Speech'.

The Emperor is known for his frequent speeches on the radio. The time has come for another. He had been the one to initially propose the idea over the protests of several of his ministers, and had even taken an active part in the writing of the address. Now he sat in the cramped broadcast room in front of an array of equipment, going over every last detail in his head.

How will he intone the phrase? Should he linger after the sentence, or move on? Perhaps the word near the beginning should be changed to something more impactful?

Suddenly, he's roused to his senses by the man behind the glass window to his left. They were about to go live. After taking one last deep breath, the Emperor opens his mouth to utter his first word.

The Bishop of Vyatka Requires The Emperor's Speech Gets event 'The Bishop of Vyatka'.

Despite the close ties the Orthodox Church historically had with the Russian crown, our relationship in recent years has been cold at best. While we are by no means enemies, many in the church feel that Emperor Vladimir has not been quite attentive enough to their concerns, prioritizing the upkeep of the state over that of the faith. Some younger and more radical voices in the church have already left to Gayny, which they see as a purer expression of God's law than our state. Since the Church provides a large part of our legitimacy, we must rectify this problem.

Appointing a bishop of Vyatka, in addition to confirming the Emperor's religious beliefs, would provide valuable moral guidance to the peasants, ever in danger of being led astray. Although symbolic, this decision will go a long way in terms of reaffirming our bond with Russia's most sacred institution.

Èmigré Support Requires The Emperor's Speech We will increase popular support by a small amount.
Political Power: +35.

For decades, even before the war, Russia has not been the type of place known for its moneyed citizens. Most of its best and brightest fled long ago from the Bolsheviks, rebuilding their lives in Paris, New York, and Harbin, among other places. Although the Tsar once owned a continent's worth of riches, this lack of support from people of means has forced us to accept a much lower budget.

Even in anarchic Russia, there are ways of getting aid from the outside world. Sophisticated smuggling rings reach across the Reich to Brittany, the black-market capital of Europe, and as a result we may be able to contact elite èmigrés and establish relations with them. Many of these people still have fond memories of the time before the Revolution, and would leap at any opportunity to see the two-headed eagle fly once more.

Mother Russia Bleeds Requires all of the following:
- The Bishop of Vyatka
- Èmigré Support
Gain Based War Support: +7.50%.
1.25K units of Vyatka Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
Gets event: 'The Law of the Land'.

Ever since Russia was broken and torn asunder at the hands of the Bolsheviks, our homeland has descended into a state of near-anarchy, Its people cower in fear of bandits and raiders, while warlords carve out petty fiefdoms for themselves to rule with impunity. That our once-great nation could come to this is a tragedy beyond measure, but that does not mean it is beyond hope of recovery.

Russia needs the guidance of a firm yet gentle handle if it is to regain the greatness it once possessed, and that hand will be ours. Just as Petah the Great put Russia on the world stage over two centuries ago, we will honor his legacy by doing the same now. Sanity, order, and faith will be restored to our vast country, whatever the cost may be. Russia is our birthright, and it is therefore our duty to be its saviors.

Seize Illegal Convoys Requires Mother Russia Bleeds 350 units of Vyatka Motorized Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
450 units of Vyatka Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
450 units of Vyatka Towed Artillery is added to the national stockpile.
450 units of Vyatka Anti-Tank Equipment is added to the national stockpile.

Our border with the Republic of Komi is home to large enclaves of smugglers who operate in flagrant violation of the laws of His Imperial Majesty. The time has come to strike at these ruffians and to teach them that we do not have the same tolerance of criminals as our neighbors.

Checkpoints will be set up to search anyone suspicious who passes through, and the information acquired from the ones who are caught will be used to launch raids against their hideouts. Such firm measures will serve as an example to any would-be smugglers, and encourage those who were planning on setting up shop in our territory to take their business elsewhere. Once this unlawfulness has been stamped out legitimate commerce will flourish, and the goods we have impounded will either be destroyed or put to more noble uses.

White Army Traditions Requires Mother Russia Bleeds Army Experience: +15.
Gains National Spirit White Army Traditions, which grants (Division Organization: +7.5%, Division Attack: +10.0%, Reinforce Rate: +10.0%, Max Planning: +5.0%).

In centuries past, Russia's army was considered one of the strongest in the world. Its glorious triumphs were known by all, while its defeats were few and far between. That all changed in 1917. Incompetents had seen our brave soldiers defeated on the field, and not even the intervention of the Emperor himself could prevent disaster. While he was away at the front, treacherous elements in the government forced him to abdicate, paving the way for Bolshevik terror. Not even the valiant efforts of the remaining loyalists could stem the tide of corruption and decay.

To make sure that the military situation that led to this tragedy is not repeated, we will reinstate the practices that have made the Emperor's army so great, and amend the mistakes that led to its decline. Then our soldiers will be able to proudly parade through the streets with their heads held high, confident in the knowledge that they will be the ones to reunify their suffering motherland.

Our Pride Untarnished Requires all of the following:
- Seize Illegal Convoys
- White Army Traditions
Gain Base War Support: +10.00%.

Though it still remains small at present, the Emperor's territory is one of the few bastions of civilization and sanity within Russia. Unlike the petty warlords and bandits who surround us, we have a government made up of men learned in the arts and sciences. Centuries of history and tradition stand behind us, while they have next to nothing. We are the descendants of the nobility under which Russia prospered as a center for culture and science, while they are the descendants of those who destroyed it.

The splendor of old is already well on its way to being restored in Vyatka, and after that we must work on spreading it to our neighbors. We have persisted and held true to our beliefs even while in exile, and now that we have returned to our mother country we must double in persistence. So long as there is a Russia, we will be its rightful stewards! God save the Emperor!

Final focus

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Eagle Flies Once More Requires all of the following:
- A New Hub of Trade
- Start of the Recovery
- A Cultured Court
- Our Pride Untarnished
Gain Base War Support: +7.50%.

The glory of the Empire has finally been recreated within Vyatka. From the Emperor himself to the lowest factory worker, everyone knows their role in our society, and faith in the monarchy has been restored. However, this is not enough. Russia is a vast country, and ours is but a tiny corner of it. It remains divided between the corrupt and incompetent, its people suffering under the rulership of the undeserving. Until the double-headed eagle soars once more from the Steppe to the Arctic, our mission will not be complete.

The most important day in our history since Vladimir's triumphant return from exile is fast approaching. At this moment we are closer than we have ever been to liberating Russia from its suffering and restoring the Emperor to his stolen throne. Our armies stand poised on our borders, ready to march against the unjust - all they need is an order to advance. God be with us!

After the completion of the initial Vyatka national focus tree, a second tree will appear:

The second Vyatka national focus tree.

The second Vyatka national focus tree can be divided into one branch with two sub-branches:

Climb from the Pit branch
This is the main branch of the Vyatka's national focus tree, it can advance the plot and decide ​Vyatka's fate.
Call the Council sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with Vyatka's internal politics.
The Imperial Russian Army sub-branch
This sub-branch deals with Vyatka's military.

Climb from the Pit branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Climb from the Pit No national focus prerequisites It is time we put our house in order.

Considering that Russia is a bombed-out, under-industrialized, bandit-ridden hellhole, Vyatka is doing quite well. Our economy, such as it is, is on the uptick, far surpassing our neighbors. The people of out towns and villages no longer go to sleep wondering whether they will wake to the threat of murder and violation at the hands of bandits. In the most prosperous parts of the capital, people live, work, and trade just as they did in the halcyon days of the Empire. The man in the street might be content to go no further - to simply enjoy the facsimile of Old Russia built by the Emperor and his loyal subjects.

But we cannot stop here. Beyond our borders, the people of Russia continue a daily life-and-death struggle under regimes of dubious competence and benevolence. To the west, millions of our Slavic brothers and sisters live a wretched existence under the jackboot. Even now that the bombings have ceased, peace will never come to Russia in its current state. The Emperor recognizes that we have a moral responsibility to bring the light of God, empire, and prosperity to all the Russias, and has sworn to lead us in our glorious endeavor to reunify the disparate peoples of his rightful lands. This has been little more than talk for far too long; it is time to gather the Imperial Council and begin making our dream of a new Russian Empire a reality.

Call the Council sub-branch

Vyatka call your friends.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Call the Council Requires Climb from the Pit The Imperial Council has been enormously helpful thus far. Many of the Emperor's responsibilities have been delegated to the most able individuals in Vyatka, and good advice is never far from his ears. It is thanks to them that he has been able to plant the seeds of greatness, free from any corrupting influences that caused the downfall of the last empire. The true test, however, is only just beginning; with reunification on the horizon, them Emperor will need all the help he can get to forge and temper his plans for the liberation of Russia.

This will be first collective effort involving the entire Council; there is much to consider beyond simply conquering the neighboring states. We still have a raft of internal issues to handle, the most prominent being the incessant infighting of our officer corps. The Council must move past their infighting and start functioning as a true ministerial cabinet to effectively solve the issues of the day.

Put an End to the Assassinations Requires Call the Council Political Power: +50.

The Emperor's officer corps more resemble a pack of greedy, recalcitrant children then the flower of the Imperial Army. Worse than their attitude to their profession, however, is the despicable, obscene, and murderous attitude they hold towards each other. That so many talented sons of Russia would resort to the mortal sin of murder to advance their own careers and political agendas is nothing short of horrific. Worse still, the clique-based nature of our military means that friends and allies go to great lengths to protect one another. Combined with the shoddy nature of law enforcement in our fledgeling state, these crimes almost always go unpunished.

This stops now. We cannot permit vile acts of criminality to go unpunished, no matter the rank or status of those responsible. Henceforth, the Okhrana will be directed to maintain a team dedicated to ensuring that officers adhere to the same laws as every other subject of the Emperor. Furthermore, there will be no exceptions given to officers for violation of the Emperor's laws; murderers will meet their end in the hangman's noose, be they civilian or soldier. Finally, the Emperor and his Council will begin a program to systematically tear down the informal cliques that have formed among emigres during the years of exile. The Imperial Russian Army will be united, indivisible, and loyal only to God and the Emperor!

Rein in the Officers Requires Put an End to the Assassinations Political Power: -75.
Remove National Spirit Officer Infighting.
Gains Officers Reined In, which grants: (Political Power Gain: -0.05, Recruitable Population Factor: -10%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, Division defense on Core Territory: +5.0%, Planning Speed: +5.0%) for 365 days.

The old Imperial Army was never truly professionalized. Not merely in the sense of possessing a core of professional soldiers; discipline was poorly-enforced, soldiers lacked a sense of patriotism and loyalty, and officers had little interest in following their duties appropriately. Poor discipline compared to the fanatically loyal Japanese and the relentlessly-drilled Germans was undeniably a factor in our defeats by those nations in the past, and the Red Army carried on this shameful tradition.

We have a duty to restore the Empire and save Holy Russia from Bolshevism, Nazism and criminality. The Emperor recognizes this, as does the Council; it is time that the officer corps is brought in line, too. Why do so many of them permit their men to act as undisciplined peasant levies? Why do they hold the attitude of petty kings, ruling over their subject privates, corporals, and sergeants? They are officers - they should represent the best and brightest of Russia's military, serving as a shining example to their subordinates! The Emperor has thus decreed that strict standards are to be established for discipline, proper soldierly conduct, and military justice. Grunts and officers alike will fall in line, or be punished appropriately.

The Emperor's Authority Requires Call the Council Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.
Change in popularity of Despotism: 1.50%

It is hard to deny the autocratic rule in the Tsarist tradition has its downsides. Nobody wants their interests to go unrepresented, and the global wave of liberalism and revolution was a harsh awakening for the Romanov family. Until now, Emperor Vladimir has ruled Vyatka as a somewhat informal kind of royal dictator - little different, in his own estimation, from the various juntas and Bolshevik remnants around us.

Reality is a harsh mistress, however. The Imperial Council is in agreement that the Emperor's own absolute rulership is necessary at this stage to ensure the rapid consolidation of our conquests and the efficiency of the apparatus of state. The Emperor will officially assume the position of autocrat in an appropriately formal ceremony, solidifying his claim to his rightful imperial domain in western Russia. At the same time, it must be made clear that this is an emergency government, not a permanent solution to our problems. Right now, stronk central leadership is needed to guide the ship of state and those aboard to safe harbor - to the reunification.

Meet with the Leaders Requires The Emperor's Authority Gets event 'Promises of a Congress'.

The emigre movement was never unified in its vision for a restored Russia. Some of them weren't even monarchists. Now, those in Vyatka can at least agree on the restoration of the monarchy, if nothing else. The anti-democratic and militaristic ROVS, the modern-minded and liberal Kadets, the National Union of Solidarists, and many, many more factions all found their home here - and promptly resumed the endless arguments once played out in cafes and emigre clubs all over the world. Violence has erupted between rival groups on more than one occasion.

This is unacceptable. We are all Russians, striving for the same goal: the liberation and unification of our great homeland. Right now, even though the star of Vyatka is rising, our position remains precarious. One mistake could see the end of our imperial ambitions, yet still the emigre cliques are at each other's throats! Is this what we endured nearly thirty years of exile for - to tear ourselves apart over petty ideological differences? The Emperor cannot abide this any longer. The leaders of these various movements must be called to order and personally put in their place. If our monarch cannot put an end to ideological infighting, no-one can.

An Uneasy Peace Requires all of the following:
- Rein in the Officers
- Meet with the Leaders
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.
Political Power: +35.

With a number of carefully-chosen words from the Emperor, the imposition of the rule of law and rigidly-enforced standards for the military, we have achieved something resembling peace in Vyatka. Shouted words of anger in the streets and weapons drawn at the slightest provocation are no longer a common sight. Finally, the political debates in Vyatka have either been silenced or confined to more appropriate settings, as is appropriate for our situation.

It's not perfect, though. Those divisions continue to exist, and for all his skills at political wrangling the Emperor cannot keep the emigre cliques in line forever. A more permanent solution to this political sectarianism will need to be devised at some point. It will not do to succeed in our endeavor to unify Russia only to fall to the same divisions that brought down the last Empire.

The Imperial Russian Army sub-branch

Vyatka white army is the strongest.png
Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Imperial Russian Army Requires Climb from the Pit Political Power: +25.
Army Experience: +15.

Russia's military legacy is long and proud. Hundreds of years ago, the fighting spirit of the Russian people was made manifest in Saint Alexander Nevsky, who cunningly subverted Mongol overlordship and defeated the perfidious Swedes in battle. In his wake followed many a great general: Dmitry Shemiaka, Mikhail Kutuzov, Pyotr Wrangel. Once upon a time, armies to eclipse Rome itself in their number and ferocity marched across Eurasia in the name of God, Tsar, and Empire.

Currently, however, we have a bunch of poorly-trained conscripts with outdated equipment, a collection of old men who last fought a war more than 40 years ago and no modern vehicles or aircraft. Our army is, in a word, feeble. Certainly, it is a match for any of our regional rivals, but that isn't a high standard to live up to. It must be more - much more - if it is to conquer all of Russia and stand up to the German war machine when the time comes to reclaim the west. In particular, the debate on doctrine must be settled for good, lest we go to war without a concrete plan of attack in mind.

Defense Plan Kutuzov Requires The Imperial Russian Army We will begin fortifying our borders against possible invasion!

Mikhail Kutuzov was one of the greatest and most glorious generals in Russia's history. His leadership saw us through the darkest hour of the 19th century, when the warmonger Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Motherland. As the French advanced, they found no succor in our lands, as town after town was put to the torch by its own people to deny them shelter and supplies. After the Battle of Borodino and the burning of Moscow, the invader was left with no choice but to crawl back to Paris, utterly defeated, with a trail of frozen and diseased French corpses behind him.

Hopefully, our own defensive operations will not need to be so extreme. Though we might have to resort to scorched-earth tactics in a pinch, our first line of defense will be a solid, well-designed fortifications around our heartlands. We might not have the benefit of Germany's massive concrete industry, but Russia provides plentiful wood and stone for construction. Archaic, maybe, but anything that stops bullets will be worth the investment.

The Vyatka General Staff Academy Requires Defense Plan Kutuzov Gains National Spirit The Vyatka General Staff Academy, which grants: (Army Experience Gain: +5.0%, Division Organization: +10.0%, Supply Consumption: -20.0%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, Entrenchment speed: +10.0%).

One of Russia's greatest hindrances in the Great War was the officer corps. Often ill-trained, ill-disciplined, and cowardly, truly talented officers were hard to come buy in Russia. Combined with their general reputation for inflexibility, brutality, and politicization, Russian officers were the laughing stock of Europe. For every Wrangel, skilled and loyal, there was a Kolchak, self-serving and utterly underserving of his rank.

Our current officers, despite their incessant infighting, are at least still loyal to the dream of Empire. Sadly, many are also past their prime. For all their loyalty, we cannot say for certain that they will be with us for much longer. Their marital aptitude could remain sharp until their dying days, but that means nothing if it is not passed down to the next generation. They might grumble at being forced into the classroom and put in charge of cadets rather than soldiers, but our new General Staff Academy needs their wisdom and experience to succeed. We shall have our very own Sandhurst right here in Vyatka!

Lessons from the Past Requires The Imperial Russian Army
Mutually exclusive with A New Age of War
2x 50% Research bonus for: Land Doctrine.

Our failings in the Great War were the result of poor leadership, low morale, and weak industry, not the result of poor planning, strategy, or tactics. Early in the war, when our nation acted in decisiveness and in a cohesive manner, we enjoyed many successes against the Central Powers. Even the Red Army, during Operation Barbarossa, were able to eke out successes through the application of tired-and-true Russian tactics.

There is absolutely no need for us to go emulating other nations' military doctrine. Our military tradition must be maintained. Minor changes can be made as needed, just as in the good old days. Russian tactics, backed by Russian steel and Russian hearts, are all our army needs to crush the opposition and restore the Empire.

Strength in Numbers Requires Lessons from the Past
A New Age of War Requires The Imperial Russian Army
Mutually exclusive with Lessons from the Past
1x 50% Research bonus for: Land Doctrine.
1x 50% Research bonus for: IFV.

It is evident from Russia's string of military defeats in the past century that our tactics and strategic thonking are both seriously outdated. How many millions of brave Russians died in the Crimea, the Great War and Barbarossa because their commanders failed to adapt to a changing battlefield? How many defeats could have been avoided if not for the stubborn, politically-minded conservatism in our officer corps and military academies?

The Imperial Russian Army has a moral responsibility to its soldiers and its families; a responsibility to ensure that as many men as possible can make it home. Or, at least, their lives are not wasted in vainglorious charges into machine-gun fire, or last stands amidst a rain of bombs and artillery shells. The officers must swallow their national pride and accept that 'being Russian' is not a mark of quality for the military. Times have changed, and so must they. Lessons must be learned - from the Americans, from the British, even the Germans! Imperial glory will forever escape us if we do not adapt to the modern battlefield as soon as possible.

Imperial Commandos Requires A New Age of War An elite commando unit will appear in or around Vyatka.
Gains Imperial Special Forces, which grants: (Recruitable Population Factor: -7%, Special forces Attack: +10.0%, Special forces Defense: +10.0%) for 365 days.

Though the last war the Empire fought was one of massed infantry and cavalry, the war was very different on the western front. Far from the steppes and grasslands of Poland and Ukraine, the Germans began to break the deadlock of trench warfare with their 'Stoßtruppen' - specialist infantry trained in infiltration and close-quarters combat. By the time of the Second World War, such specialist infantry units were common all around the world: British airborne, U.S. Marines and Italian Alpini all played crucial roles in battles that decided the outcome of the war.

As part of the Imperial Military's modernization, it simply must have its own elite contingents! The British, in particular, offer a fine example to follow; despite their defeat, the British commando and guards units fought valiantly in face of the Axis powers, and the Emperor would have his best men learn from their example. The Imperial Airborne Divisions, Imperial Marine Corps and Imperial Mountaineer Rifles will be the cream of the Russian military and the envy of the world's special forces!

Russia's Finest Requires all of the following:
- The Vyatka General Staff Academy
- One of the following:
Imperial Commandos
Strength in Numbers
Gain Base War Support: +10.00%.
Political Power: -50.
Replace Political Interference with Professional Army
Effective change:
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.35
Division Training Time: -15.0%
Division Organization: +5.0%
Division Recovery Rate: +10.0%
Division Attack: +5.0%
Division Defense: +5.0%

Vyatka's military was in a sad state when the Emperor began his program of reform. Little more than conscripts with rickety old rifles, led by a pack of old men, they were hardly the sort of force needed to unify the Rus' and liberate the Motherland. They wanted for everything: tanks, planes, modern firearms, trained officers, a proper military drill. There was little to recommend them, and the Emperor spent many a sleepless night fretting over how he could possible hope to lead such men to victory.

Now, he can watch them on the parade ground with a simile on his face. Units maneuver as a well-oiled machine; the officers spend hours reading up on the latest tactical maneuvers from America; the infantry march, train, and fight with the precision and ferocity born of countless weeks of drill. The Imperial Russian Army has a long way to go before being worthy of the Empire, or a match for the Germans, but for now it is the best it can possible be. The Emperor would ask no more of his men.

Final focus

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
Begin the Reclamation Requires all of the following:
- An Uneasy Peace
- Russia's Finest
We will begin the reunification of our rightful lands!

Order has been restored to Vyatka, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Emperor to rein in his feuding officers. The centralization of authority is also complete. The military, for its part, is easily a match for anyone we might face in our campaign to reunify Russia. We are a long way from being a true Russian Empire again, but we are as ready as we'll ever be.

This is it, then. Do or die. The time has come to ride forth from Vyatka, spreading the light of monarchy, Christianity, and anti-Bolshevism in all directions. Citizens and soldiers alike cheer on the Emperor as he exhorts them to victory - the spirit of Russia yet lives! In the heart of every Vyatkan burns a patriotic flame to cleanse the Motherland of traitors, secessionists, and foreign invaders alike! This is what we came here for - to deliver the Rus' from anarchy and tyranny, to unite the people of this once-great land, to smite down any who would see us fall back into darkness! Arise, Russians, one and all! Fix bayonets! Lock and load! Ride forth victoriously! С Нами Бог!

After the completion of the second Vyatka national focus tree, a third tree will appear:

The third Vyatka national focus tree.

The third Vyatka focus tree has one branch:

The Empire Strikes Back branch
This is the main branch of the focus tree. It deals with reclaiming Russia.

The Empire Strikes Back branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects and Description
The Empire Strikes Back No national focus prerequisites Political Power: +35.
Gain Base Stability: +5.00%.

When the Red Menace swept through Russian lands more than forty years ago, they thought that the last few ferments of Tsarism had been eliminated from Russia. However, we have returned, perhaps stronger than before. What started as a small group of emigres, heading eastwards and remembering the better times before the Bolshevik takeover, has grown into something much more. The Romanov empire lives on in Vyatka, and now we have acquired enough strength to expand. Starting from our closet neighbors, all warlords and enemies will all fall, one by one, like dominoes. Everyone, wether they be socialists, fascists, or despots, will be invaded and fall to the Empire.

It has taken its few supporters a lot of time, effort, and luck, but now, it is time for monarchism to make its final return to Russia. The Empire, once defeated and its people oppressed, will strike back, and take back what is rightfully hers.

Let the Thunder of Victory Rumble! Requires The Empire Strikes Back Gain Base War Support: +10.00%.

The drums of war can be heard in Vyatka and Izhevsk, as the proud army of the Emperor mobilizes and prepares for armed conflict against its neighbors. While that is happening, the people in our territories proudly exclaim their support for the monarchy, and celebrate what could be the beginnings of reunification.

Capitalizing on this sentiment, and to show our power to the other Russian warlords, we can organize one large, glorious military parade in the capital before campaigning begins. Select army units will proudly march down the roads, as the army choir celebrates with well-known patriotic and marching songs. The people of Vyatka will be out in the streets, and support for the reclamation will only increase further.

Operation: Prodigal Son Requires Let the Thunder of Victory Rumble!
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Berezniki: Does not exist

Gets event 'The Berezniki Situation'.


The Imperial Army is fully prepared for a military attack on the territory of Berezniki, as per Operation: Prodigal Son. The majority of army divisions ready for assault is in position, and based on current estimates and plans, has the capability of achieving all strategic goals within a short period of time.

A diplomatic solution, namely a high-profile meeting with His Imperial Majesty and Governor A. Kazembek, is strongly recommended by High Command and the Chiefs of Staff. Should a seal with partial concessions for the Governor not suffice, then Operation: Prodigal Son is encouraged as an contingency plan.

May the rogue governor be destroyed by the Army if he chooses to go on his own.

A Meeting in Yurla Requires Operation: Prodigal Son
At peace
Mutually exclusive with Suffer Not the Traitor
(Berezniki) Gets event 'An Offer from the Emperor'.

The town of Yurla lies near the frontier of the rightful Tsarist government in Vyatka and the rogue region of Berezniki taken over by the Mladorossi. It is not particularly notable for anything other than its geographic position, but it will soon hopefully become known for the conference that will soon be held there. Seeing that Alexander Kazembek, the governor of rouge Berezniki, only cares about himself, and shares some part of his ideology with the distinct monarchism that we follow, it is not unthinkable to attempt to peacefully re-integrate his fiefdom into the Empire.

Hence, a meeting between him and the Emperor will take place in Yurla, to discuss the terms of diplomatic reunification. We can only hope that it is successful, and renders the use of violence unnecessary.

Integrate their Troops Requires A Meeting in Yurla
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Berezniki: Does not exist

Army Experience: +10.
Gain Base War Support: +7.50%.
Every Unit Leader:
Joins the Principality of Vyatka

When Alexander Kazembek made his move, splitting from the regime in Vyatka and sealing his fate as a traitor, he had many troops at his disposal. A sizable fraction of the Imperial Russian Army came under the command of the Mladirossi clique instead, especially as many of our soldiers were more sympathetic to their cause.

However, now, the Berezniki territory is back under the fold of His Imperial Majesty, and the men who once defected from our military must be re-integrated. It will not be a particularly difficult process, as Kazembek mostly used the same practices and methods we used for the time we had separated. Thus, their troops will join our military once more, strengthening our forces that head to reclaim the motherland.

Concessions to the Mladorossi Requires A Meeting in Yurla Political Power: -100.
Change Trade Unions Law to 'Non-Socialist Trade Unions Allowed' which grants (Factory Output: -2.50%, Dockyard Output: -2.50%).

When Alexander Kazembek split from Vyatka, distancing his province from the rest, he did it on the basis of ideology. He wished not to see a Emperor that does not care for the people and acts as a despot, but a Emperor who is a figurehead for the people that have the opportunity to represent themselves in the government. In his case, this was the Soviet system, which he had an absurd fascination with, and despite those beliefs, he remained a loyal Mladorossi.

Now, we seek to ally with the Young Russians, and if we want to bring Berezniki back under our control without blood being shed, some concessions will have to be made. While a complete reform based on their principles is unthinkable, we can offer some changes. Specifically, we can allow the trade unions to operate more freely, without restricting freedom as much. Thus, Russian labor will be more free to strive for better working conditions and to make decisions on their own.

The Berezniki Governorate Requires all of the following:
- Integrate Their Troops
- Consessions to the Mladorossi

At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Berezniki: Does not exist

Vyatka annexes Berezniki.

After the negotiations between His Imperial Majesty and the radical Kazembek, a mutually beneficial agreement has been reached. In this entire process, we have managed to avoid any and all conflict or bloodshed, and so the Emperor's realm has grown peacefully, without the use of force.

One could say that the annexation of Berezniki is nothing more than re-asserting our dominance in our own lands, and while that may be true, more glory awaits us. Thus, now that the issue of the Young Russians has been settled, it is time to move to more ambitious plans, as we begin the true unification of Russia.

Suffer Not the Traitor Requires Operation: Prodigal Son
The following will bypass the focus:
Berezniki: Does not exist
Vyatka declares war on Berezniki.

Vyatka does not negotiate with traitors. When Kazembek and his band of pseudo-fascist fools split from the Emplre, they made themselves universally hated to the Emperor's government and his people. Now, it is time to pay the price of going against one of the stronkest warlords in West Russia.

War is the only option against the Young Russians, and war they will have. The Imperial Russian Army is fully capable of taking Berezniki down, and arresting or executing every last traitor that followed Kazembek. All that is needed now is the green light from His Imperial Majesty, and when it is given, our armies will swarm the border, and easily defeat this absurd faction.

Take Their Weapons Requires Suffer Not the Traitor 1.25K units of Bereznikian Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
300 units of Bereznikian Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
300 units of Bereznikian Towed Artillery is added to the national stockpile.
300 units of Bereznikian Anti-Tank Equipment is added to the national stockpile.

As our armies take control of the last few points of strategic importance and root out the last resistance from the Mladorossi, we must seek to use what Berezniki has to offer to the maximum extent. One of the resources it has is equipment and ammunition. Perhaps it was due to his ambitions of greatness and war, or because he merely wanted to be safe in case of an incursion, but Kazembek had accumulated a significant amount of guns and bullets in armories strategically located across his domain.

Now that we are in control of them, they must be seized, and every single bullet must be put to the use of our own army. No longer will these resources be under the lunatics, but they will be used for the good of Russia.

The Trial of Kazembek Requires Suffer Not the Traitor
Owns Berezniki
Gets event 'The Trial of Kazembek'.

There were many who followed the ideology of the Mladorossi and went to Berezniki. Some saw it as a way to earn personal gain and power, while many others truly believed that this would pave the way to a monarchy of the people, that would respect them and allow them to take matters onto their own hands. However, no matter what the reason was for them, one person was at the helm of this fanatical faction; Alexander Lvovich Kazembek.

He first started his career as an advisor to the Emperor himself, but soon drifted away from him, and established his fiefdom in Berezniki. Of course, this is an incredibly important case of treason, and the lunatic must be tried for his crimes. He will stand in front of the highest court in the Imperial lands, and hopelessly defend himself and the crimes he has committed. Thankfully, justice will be served.

Order Restored Requires all of the following:
- Take Their Weapons
- The Trial of Kazembek
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.

After some time of being ruled by a radical, the Tsarist flag flies in Berezniki once more. Those who had betrayed us are being hunted down, one by one, and are tried for their crimes. The remnants of the Mladorossi, as well as other bandit groups, are also in danger as our army works hard day and night to eradicate them once and for all.

Perhaps most importantly, we have secured the resources of Berezniki, which it has plenty of: potassium, titanium, and other chemicals are under our control. And the biggest of them all is oil, as the area has significant petroleum deposits that we can now use in whatever way we like. All in all, this operation has been a staggering success.

Speak with the Grandmaster Requires one of the following:
- Order Restored
- The Berezniki Governorate

The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist

We will meet with Grandmaster Antipin before deciding our course of action.To the north-east of us lies the region of Gayny, under the administration of the Order of Saint George, a group of warrior-minks emerging from the chaos of the West Russian War. Experts in the art of war, their holy and solemn vow to protect the innocent in these times gives the brothers of the Order a discipline unmatched in West Russia, perhaps in all of the former motherland itself. Before the Emperor can make any move towards the north, we must resolve the matter of this rogue and capable band of patronizing monks.

Before resorting to war and conflict immediately, however, perhaps a diplomatic solution can yet be found. After all, before the days of the Union, the church and Order itself were once allies of the emperors, lifting the weight of the crown from their weary heads. We will send them envoys, to bring them to heel under the terms of the emperor, for what was once one, let no man dare divide.

A Challenge for the Worthy Requires Speak with the Grandmaster
Mutually exclusive with Operation: Dragonslayer

The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist

The Warriors of Christ Requires A Challenge for the Worthy
The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist
(Order of Saint George):

(Mikhail Antipin, Cyril Pavlov, Ivan Kalinin):

Joins the Principality of Vyatka

From the halls of their Fortress-Monastery of Squirrel's Nest, the Order spreads itself over the entirety of Gayny, spreading the grace of God wherever they happen to walk. Justice walks in their treads, followed by the mercy and sacrifice of Christ. In the matter of brotherly love and war are they equally unmatched. These men, who have given themselves the burden of their vows of celibacy and protection, are now wise to the emperor's noble intent, finding him worthy of their service.

The Order has seen it fit to lend itself to the task of restoring the emperor's God-given rights of dominion over all of Russia. We shall integrate them into our command structure, with the Grandmaster Antipin himself at the helm of this mighty force against misery and disunity. For God now is with us, his blessing in our hands; who will stand against us?

Privileges for the Church Requires A Challenge for the Worthy
The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist
Political Power: -100.
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.
Gain Base War Support: +10.00%.

Since the centuries that span the period before the rise of the Union, the Church has been the guiding hand of the Russian people, shepherding the people of the former Empire to their destinies. With the fall of the Empire to the waves of revolution that raged in Russia and the ascension of the Union as its sole sovereign authority, the Church has ceased to be the spiritual and moral core of both the state and its people.

We must end this backslide into barbarism. With the brothers of the Order by our side, word of Christ shall reign supreme again in the new Empire. No longer will the words of the priests go unnoticed, and no longer shalll the unfaithful be allowed to govern over those whose oaths and vows to the divine are sacrosanct. For we shall render into God's what is His, and we shall give to the Emperor what is his.

For God and Emperor! Requires all of the following:
- The Warriors of Christ
- Privileges for the Church

The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist

Vyatka annexes Order of Saint George.

Gains core on Gayny.

Together with the integration of the warrior monks into the ranks of our military, as well as the expansion of their rights within the Empire, ties within the Order and the Empire could not be closer. Perhaps the time is ripe to discuss and plan for the eventuality of a union. After all, the brothers reigning from their Fortress-Monastery to the northeast can provide for us a strategic position with which to strike further north.

We will go into Gayny, not as enemies, but as brothers together in the struggle for faith and country. Our administrators will cooperate with local priests and monks, joining together in the battle against atheism and immortality. The light of the world shall shine again in Russia, and the mercy and love that proceeds from His holy name shall again fill this lawless and godless land; a city built on a hill will never allow itself to be hidden.

Operation: Dragonslayer Requires Speak with the Grandmaster
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Order of Saint George: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on Order of Saint George.
Disband the Order Requires Operation: Dragonslayer
Owns Gayny
Outpost Gayny Requires Operation: Dragonslayer
Owns Gayny
Incorporate Church Lands Requires all of the following:
- Disband the Order
- Outpost Gayny
Owns Gayny
Operation: Crooked Cross Requires one of the following:
- A Challenge for the Worthy
- Operation: Dragonslayer

At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Aryan Brotherhood: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on the Aryan Brotherhood.


Operation "Crooked Cross" calls for the deployment of force against the brotherhood of Perm, specifically a large fraction of the Army. Preparations to conduct the operation as per the exact plans are now complete, and Army Group Izhevsk is ready to strike. Once bridgeheads have been captured and secured across the Kama River, and a stable flow of supplies is guaranteed, a spearhead aimed at the capital of the enemy, the city of Perm, will be our main priority.

Caution is recommended when dealing with the Brotherhood. Reports from operatives in their land and witnessed claim the group aims to cooperate with the Germans, seeing Slavs as Aryans. The lifestyle is harsh, and slaves are commonly used. However, their estimated force is weak, and the Russian Army is likely to be welcomed by the local population.

Erase Their Legacy Requires Operation: Crooked Cross
Owns Perm
Political Power: +50.
Gets event 'The Legacy of the Swastika'.

The Aryan Brotherhood is not a proud part of Russian history. It is something that every one of its participants should be ashamed of, and something that must be erased from history and forgotten forever. Thus, now that Perm is now back under the control of the Emperor, the right steps must be taken to make the traces the Brotherhood left behind disappear.

Those who once suffered as slaves will be freed, and their proper integration into Russian society must be ensured. All former signs and relics of the Brotherhood, like swastikas, relics, and buildings must be systematically torn down, and instead replaced with the rightful symbols of Russia. The crown, the Imperial eagle and the black-gold-white tricolor will take their place, as a sign of the brighter era that is to come to Perm and the nation as a whole.

Operation: Grozny Requires all of the following:
- Erase Their Legacy
- One of the following:
Incorporate Church Lands
For God and Emperor!
Eyes on Tatarstan Requires Operation: Grozny Vyatka declares war on Tatarstan.
The Question of Minority Rights Requires Eyes on Tatarstan
Owns Kazan
Strike at the Islamists Requires Operation: Grozny Vyatka declares war on Bashkiria.
The Question of Religious Freedoms Requires Strike at the Islamists
Owns Ufa
Gets event 'Religious Freedom?'.

The matter of religion and how it should be approached is a hot matter of debate in the Russian Empire. On the one hand, Christian Orthodoxy could not play a larger role in the history and symbolism of the nation, clearly being a distinct and proud part of our national identity.

But as much as Orthodoxy has become a synonym or the Russian people, we must not forget that other religious groups exist in our lands as well. This has become painfully clear with our conquest of Bashkiria, since many Muslims are now under the Russian banner, and the Islamists might not be pleased if we are to not let them freely practice their religion.

Hence, all the dominant factions in our politics have begun a discussion on what the best course to take on religion is. Seeing the conflict that exists between liberals and conservatives, the matter might be more complicated than we anticipated.

The Southern Governorates Requires all of the following:
- The Question of Minority Rights
- The Question of Religious Freedoms
This will slightly decrease coring time.

As we have expected, the two independent republics established in the wake of the WRRF's collapse have fallen to our might. Military occupation has been established, and as our army works hard to fight the remaining bandits and restore order to the region, we must decide how we will integrate Bashkiria and Tatarstan and treat them. Will the Tatars be equal with the Russians, and enjoy autonomy, or will we assert our control over them and suppress their dangerous ideologies they follow?

There are many questions that will be answered as we continue our expansion, and could decide the future of the Idel-Ural region. For now, though, all that will exist are the two governorates of Kazan and Ufa, seemingly normal administrations, but with an uncertain future ahead of them.

Operation: Patchwork Requires The Southern Governorates
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Komi: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on Komi.


The Komi Republic, which has lied north of our state's frontier since its infancy, is well-known as a safe haven for all politicians and radicals, something which has made it surprisingly unstable. As it stands in the way between Vyatka and the West Russian Revolutionary Font, in must be dealt with.

A swift charge of the army northwards is predicted by the High Command to throw the army of the Republic into chaos, as they are composed of politically opposed and heavily disorganized paramilitaries for the most part. Use of these local forces that are aligned with the right-wing and the monarchy is recommended and could prove useful in the struggle to reach and take the capital of Sytyvkar, right across the frontier of the WRRF.

Disarm the Paramilitaries Requires Operation: Patchwork
Mutually exclusive with Return to the Fold
Owns Syktyvkar
750 units of Komi Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
250 units of Komi Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile.

The Komi Republic has fallen, and Tsarist troops march in the streets of Syktyvkar. No longer will our intelligence operatives struggle to investigate Komi's chaotic political events, for the Republic is no more. Unfortunately, the driving forces behind many of these events, the different paramilitaries active in the region, remain, and will have to be dealt with.

Thus, the capital Syktyvkar, known for its intense radical activity, will have to be put under military occupation and martial law indefinitely, at least until we can safely say that it is no more in danger from extremist groups. Gradually, all paramilitaries will be disarmed. Those that disagree will simply have to suffer defeat from the Imperial Russian Army in battle.

Return to the Fold Requires Operation: Patchwork
Mutually exclusive with Disarm the Paramilitaries
Owns Syktyvkar
Gain Base Stability: +7.50%.
Gain Base War Support: +7.50%.

When the political scene in Komi involved so many different parties and factions vying for control, it is only logical that some representing the right wing and the monarchists have appeared. For years, they have clashed endlessly with their political opponents on the left and center, and despite our invasion, they remain active in the streets of Syktyvkar and elsewhere. While we could try to endlessly crack down on them, they would be much more useful as allies.

All of these groups that have shown support for the monarchy or Vyatka, or even other right-wing groups that want to simply collaborate for power, will be contacted. The offer will be to govern Syktyvkar on our behalf with their armed forces, instead of us struggling to exert out control there. Thus, in exchange for autonomy in the former capital of Komi, we will be able to more effectively pacify it.

Tear Down Their Institutions Requires one of the following:
- Disarm the Paramilitaries
- Return to the Fold

Owns Syktyvkar
Political Power: +50.
Gain Base Stability: +3.50%.

In its days of glory and political intrigue, the Komi Republic had been one of the few states in the region to properly establish themselves as independent and democratic bodies, leaving the past of the Soviet Union behind them. Most warlord states to emerge were a patchwork of cliques and relics of the old government. However, in Komi, a completely new political system has been built from scratch, including elections, a complex bureaucracy, and actual competent factions that became notorious for their actions.

Unfortunately for them, now that the Empire has re-emerged from the ashes, all this will be torn down. The past of their republic must be forgotten if we want to maintain our control over the area, and the institutions will be ripped apart only to reappear and serve the Russian Empire. While we will destroy their past organizations, perhaps we should take note, for when we have to build the nation and its government from scratch.

Fortify Our Position Requires Tear Down Their Institutions Gains Fortified Position, which grants: (Division Attrition: -10.0%, Out of Supply: -20.0%, Division Defense: +15.0%, Supply Grace: +48.0 Hour(s)) for 365 days.

Many new territories, cities and plains, have been know re-acquired by forces fighting for His Imperial Majesty. Before we continue our path of endless conquest and reclamation that will only end once we reach the Pacific Ocean, we will need to slow down, reorganize our forces, and ensure that we are not under threat of invasion or overstratching.

One of the ways to do so is to construct defensive positions and fortifications, for the military, the government, and the people to be assured that they are safe from enemy assaults. Using knowledge of older and modern military strategy, and lessons learned from our recent invasions, we can make them more effective than ever before, and become even more secure.

Operation: Changeling Requires Fortify Our Position
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Vologda: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on Vologda.


Under the leadership of General Ivanov, a neutral zone covering territories around the city of Vologda had been established. However, such a military junta must finally come to an end.

In preparation for the final struggle against the West Russian Revolutionary Front, the High Command advises that all major enemies in the region must be dealt with, to be used for their positions and resources, as well as not to be another threat to the Emprie's sovereignity. Ivanov's Vologda will be no exception. A generl invasion from the east will suffice, based on our numbers of troops and industrial capacity, to occupy Vologda and Kostroma, ending the threat the "neutral" army presents to the Empire.

Control the Trade Routes Requires Operation: Changeling
Owns Volodga
Vologda add 1 Infrastructure.

Kostroma add 1 Infrastructure.Plesetsk add 1 Infrastructure.

During its rule by General Ivanov, the neutral zone of Vologda has slowly developed and evolved into a hub of trade for the reigonal economy. Goods and profit flowed through the city, and wether it was coming from Reichskommissariat Moskowien or the neighbouring warlord states, the merchants and government of the neutral zone could enjoy an inflow of cash. Now that the area has fallen back under the control of the true Russian army, it is time to use these facilities and the infrastructure to our advantage, so as to maintain the profitable trade there. With some local help and additional funds by the government in Vyatka, the bare-bones infrastructure used by merchants and travellers will be significantly improved, and all that will by done to serve His Imperial Majesty's regime. As a struggling Russian warlord state, becoming sustainable can prove to be a big problem, but this program could improve things.

Crown Charters Requires Control the Trade Routes
Owns Vologda
Political Power: -100.
Change Limited Exports to Export Focus

Effective Change:
Construction Speed: +5.00%
Research Speed: +2.50%
Dockyard Output: +5.00%
Factory Output: +5.00%

Trade plays a large role in the Empire we have built through our hard effort, but often the Tsarist regime itself has neither available time or manpower to help expand this business. Perhaps, it is time to take a page from the old times, and remember the years of the Empire. Back then, there was the Muscovy Company, a chartered trade company managed by the British which conducted business in the region.

Now such companies can be revived, in a very, very different situation, but with the same purpose; with the authority given to them by the royal charter, they will handle the flow of goods in, out, and through the more distant and isolated parts of the Empire. Slowly, the members of these companies will extend our control there, integrate the areas into the nation economically, and make a profit for both themselves and the government.

Operation: Nemesis Requires Fortify Our Position
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Samara: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on Samara.
Royal Pardons Requires Operation: Nemesis
Owns Samara
Gets event 'Royal Pardons'.

The Russian Liberation Army had a number of former Red Army commanders who were excellent in their skills and strategy. Of course, they will be forever scarred by their history of collaboration with the Germans, and so were we, and we have gotten over our rough past. Thus, some have recommended that we forgive some of them for their past, and recruit them into the Imperial forces. It would make sense that they would be willing to join us, especially if their hatred of communism and the West Russian Revolutionary Front is considered. And while some may hold resentment against the forces of monarchism as well, they could see the greater good in joining them.

Of course, this is unlikely to occur without at least some opposition from Vyatka's political stage. Thus, if we want that to occur, some political maneeuvring will be required.

The Industry of Samara Requires Operation: Nemesis
Owns Samara
  • Add 1 Civilian Factory
  • Add 1 Building Slots.

The city of Samara is located in a location perfect for developing factories and other industry, and when the Russian Liberation Army occupied the city they certainly used that to their advantage. There is a reason, after all, why they had so much power whill still being confined to a small area around their capital, and being plagued by all the usual problems a warlord state faces.

What matters now, though, is that all the industry developed by our former enemies has been seized by the forces of His Imperial Majesty, and we are free to use them. Funds we have gained through our economic tactics and recent conquests will be funneled into the development and re-purposing of Samara's industry, now to serve a different government than the last one. Any help in developing our country is needed, especially as we will soon face enemies larger than ever before.

Search the Archives Requires all of the following:
- Royal Pardons
- The Industry of Samara

Owns Samara

Gains Archives of Samara, which grants: ((the West Russian Revolutionary Front) Defense bonus against country: +10.0%) for 365 days.

The final days of the Soviet Union were chaotic, and many of the events that occured remain unknown or uncertain to this day, but what is known are Bukharin's contingency plans. One of the most important plans was, should that Moscow itself fall, the city of Kuybyshev would become a capital to fall back on. While these plans never fully materialized, diffent communist cliques and leaders emerging instead of one united government, most civillian offices and many other services had already moved to the city.

Now, the city has been renamed to its proper name, Samara, and after serving as the base for the collaborationist ROA, it has fallen into Tsarist hands. Our special units will be assigned to a secret mission, and that is to search for any and all files, documents and plans from when it seemed like the city would be the USSR's new capital. Perhaps, a better look at the inner functions of the communists and their plans could be useful in a future struggle against the WRRF.

Operation: Scarlet Citadel Requires Fortify Our Position
At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
Gorky: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on Gorky.
Seize the Factories Requires Operation: Scarlet Citadel
Owns Gorky
Imperial Tank Brigades Requires Seize the Factories
Owns Gorky
Send in the Bridgeburners Requires all of the following:
- Crown Charters
- Search the Archives
- Imperial Tank Brigades
Consolidate Our Conquests Requires all of the following:
- Crown Charters
- Search the Archives
- Imperial Tank Brigades
Operation: Red October Nevermore Requires all of the following:
- Send in the Bridgeburners
- Consolidate Our Conquests

At peace

The following will bypass the focus:
West Russian Revolutionary Front: Does not exist

Vyatka declares war on West Russian Revolutionary Front.
Justice for the Lost Requires Operation: Red October Nevermore
Owns Arkhangelsk
Hearts and Minds Requires Operation: Red October Nevermore
Owns Arkhangelsk

Political Power: -35.
Gain Base Stability: +5.00%.

The people of West Russia believe in and support many unique ideologies, something that is not necessarily beneficial if we want to introduce them to the Tsarist regime and expect them not to turn against us. This is especially true when we are bringing back what many thought to be a relic of older times, the Tsarist government. It is expected to meet some opposition, as we already have, to this attempt, but we are not merely a small pocket surviving against all odds in the heart of West Russia. The entirety of the region has been brought under our fold, and we are free to start convincing people why the Emperor is the best choice.

The solution for that, which has been tested and tried for decades, is propaganda. Through posters, speeches, media like radio, and other methods, the governmen can approach the people, and start to make them feel that maybe this new Tsarist government is not so bad after all.

A Visit from the Emperor Requires all of the following:
- Justice for the Lost
- Hearts and Minds

Gets event 'The Emperor Visits the Troops'.

Nothing makes the soldiers quite as happy and proud to serve the Empire as a personal visit to them from the Emperor himself. Recently, Emperor Vladimir himself has taken the initiative to suggest actions which, at the critical point we are in, could help the situation even slightly. One of these suggestions, which does not take much to accomplish and gives something in return, is for him to go to the front, or perhaps a more safe area where the military is dispatched, and to see the soldiers on his own.

Guarded by some of our most elite guard units, he will be taken to a location where a few counter-bandit options are conducted. There, he will see the army installations, talk with the soldiers of the motherland, and perhaps see some action himself. This should provide a boost to the morale of not only that specific unit, but the entire army and civillian population as well.

Re-Examine our Tactics Requires all of the following:
- Justice for the Lost
- Hearts and Minds

1x 50% Research bonus for: Land Doctrine.

The wars of unification, at least their first phase, can almost be considered over, and we must examine what they have provided us with. Obviously, we now have an incredible amount of land, resources, and industry under our control and at our disposal, but an equally important gain is the military lessons we learned. We fought countless numbers of battles, from the flat plains near the Volga to the mountainsides of the Urals: we saw what worked, what didn't, and what could be improved.

With help from our battle-hardened generals, we will re-examine the doctrine we currently follow based on the outcome it has given us. The lessons learned, wether they confirm our old strategies or support new ones, will be undoubtedly useful when we continue the reclamation of Russia.

Recruitment Drive Requires all of the following:
- Justice for the Lost
- Hearts and Minds
Finnish Negotiations Requires all of the following:
- A Visit from the Emperor
- Re-Examine our Tactics
- Recruitment Drive

At peace

(Republic of Finland) Gets event 'The Vilpuri Conference'.

As the Russian nation finally faced its demise, being invaded by the Reich's overwhelming forces, one nation to our west also took advantage of that, and it was Finland. They grabbed the opportunity, and made an uneasy alliance with Germany to seize Russian lands and achieved their dreams of greatness.

Now, the Kola Peninsula and Karelia lie under the Finnish jackboot. As if that wasn't enough, to protect their illegal gains from any Russian enemies, they have placed the traitorous Kirpichnikov as the head of a buffer state in Onega. This msut end but, seeing as we are not godless communists, the Finns may be willing to negotiate. For that reason, it would be prudent not to imeediately sweep through the occupied lands with force, but first extend the olive branch of peace to Helsinki. A high-profile conference must be organized, perhaps in the city of Vyborg, or as they call it, Vilpuri, to determine the future of these lands.

Our Sovereignty Ensured Requires Finnish Negotiations Political Power: +75.
Gets event 'The Sovereignty of Western Russia'.
This will slightly decrease coring time.

After years of toil and troubles, Vyatka has ascended to the ranks of a regional power. We started as nothing more than a group of White emigres, the few people still loyal to the ideals from before the October Revolution, heading into the frontlines of the West Russian War, evolved. Monarchist authority finally made its inevitable return to a nation torn by war and chaos, as the final savior from the claws of extremism and totalitarianism.

With the support of the true believers, wether they were prominent White politicians, or simple peasants who helped our cause, we have managed to achieve dominance in West Russia. No more threats to our sovereignty remain here, and we can begin our more ambitious plans. The emergency powers will have to end, for the will of the people must be heard now. Next, the enemies of the east must fall. Russia will be whole again, and under the rule of His Imperial Majesty.