Yuri Evtukhovich

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Yuri Evtukhovich is a Russian military officer and member of the Society for the Restoration of the Russian Empire's paramilitary death squads in Komi. After the the Holy Russian Empire collapses, he becomes warlord of the Ural Purification Zone.


As a key ally of the Blessed Regent Sergey Taboritsky, Evtukhovich is named commander of the Second Imperial Guard Division of the Stormtroopers (Shturmoviki) after the OVRI takes over Western Russia and proclaims the formation of the Holy Russian Empire. Evtukhovich quickly becomes known for his sheer recklessness and brutality. After Taboritsky dies and the Holy Russian Empire collapses, leaving himself cut off from Viktor Larionov, Evtukhovich continues to command the Second Imperial Guard Division to further "purify" the post-Midnight hellscape.