Óscar Gestido

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The portrait of Óscar Gestido after removing the Herrerist-Ruralist government
The portrait of Óscar Gestido after the twenty-three days' revolution

Óscar Diego Gestido Pose (born November 28, 1901) is a Uruguayan politician who is a member of the Colorado Party. He can be elected to the National Council of Government in the 1962 election. He will run as the conservative Colorado candidate in 1966 if he wasn't elected to the council in the previous election.

In-Game Biography

Of all the military men who began their careers in the Marzist era, Óscar Gestido is among those who had no fascist sympathies and only did as they were told, remaining apolitical during the period. Gestido always loved the air force, beginning his military career with the goal of becoming a pilot. And he did, flying a single-engine biplane from Montevideo to Asunción in 1926 as part of the official Uruguayan delegation to a Paraguayan commemoration. But that wouldn't be the end of his story, as Gestido kept climbing the ranks, being appointed in 1938 as the General Director of Military Aeronautics, being promoted to General in 1949 and finally serving as the General Inspector of the Army in 1951. During his tenure the air force was officially created as an independent branch, an event Gestido took great pride in. After retiring, his resume spoke of a trustable military man, as so he was appointed as the Auditor President of the AFE, from which Gestido earned a reputation of being a good administrator who knew how to balance a budget. But it wouldn't be until the 1959 floods, and his appointment as President of the National Commission for Aid to the Victims, that a legend was made. The Uruguayan public saw in Gestido an honest man who worked hard into ensuring the victims were given the aid they deserved. Unsurprisingly, politicians soon began knocking on his door. Now as President Gestido faces many challenges, he is a self-declared leftists that leads the right-wing of the Colorado Party and wants to ensure Charlone's influence is minimal while maintaining the unity of the party. And then is the task of actually ruling the nation. Gestido works hard, but he might find himself in front of a machine he doesn't understand, not knowing which button to press.