Afrikaner Resistance Movement

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The Afrikaner Resistance Movement (Afrikaans: Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging), more commonly known as the AWB, is a potential breakaway state and paramilitary based in northern South Africa.


The AWB appears only on rare occurrences and the circumstances surrounding its emergence are unlikely to happen at the hands of the AI. For it to appear, the following must happen:

  • The Afrika-Schild must obtain a total victory in the South African War.
  • After the formation of Greater African Realm, Hüttig must pressure the Boer Republic to the point of instigating the Second South African War. The Oberkommando Südafrika must then emerge victorious.
  • Once this happens, when the Reichstaat collapses and the player obtains the African Devastation, the Boer Republic will collapse into a third civil war, in which the AWB will be one of the belligerents.