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Ultranationalism ideology.png

Ultranationalism is a vicious blend of rabid militarism and fervent devotion to the nation above all else. Ultranationalists are keen to purge their nations of perceived foreign influence of any sort. Thus they favor autarky, stratification and a strong military involvement in everyday affairs to insure that the country is kept independent and "safe from outside corruption". The idea of a glorious state is the key to all things for the ultranationalist, and they will call upon images from the past to stir up and inspire in combination with a paranoid and savage hatred of the other and the outsider. Racism and other forms of discrimination are weaved into all parts of life, to further raise up and separate the ideal countryman from those that do not fit in. In order to make truth of their promises of the "great nation", ultranationalism presents the military as the ultimate tool for prosperity and greatness. Service to the state in this manner is therefore mandatory for most and deeply glorified as a part of the nation’s triumph over the rest of the world. Ultranationalism has often manifested as part of a desire for revenge against foreign enemies and uses this desire to drive the nation forward. While some differences are known to exist between each ultranationalist movement, they never differ in their mad desperation to see eternal glory rain down upon their lands.

Proponents and subideologies

Note: People marked with an asterisk are their countries' starting leaders.

Subideology Description Adherents
Ultranationalism ideology.png
Default (None)
Ultranationalism is a vicious blend of rabid militarism and fervent devotion to the nation above all else. Ultranationalists are keen to purge their nations of perceived foreign influence of any sort. Thus they favour autarky, stratification and a strong military involvement in everyday affairs to insure that the country is kept independent and "safe from outside corruption". The idea of a glorious state is the key to all things for the ultranationalist, and they will call upon images from the past to stir up and inspire in combination with a paranoid and savage hatred of the other and the outsider. Racism and other forms of discrimination are weaved into all parts of life, to further raise up and separate the ideal countryman from those that do not fit in. In order to make truth of their promises of the "great nation", ultramilitarism presents the military as the ultimate tool for prosperity and greatness. Service to the state in this manner is therefore mandatory for most and deeply glorified as a part of the nation's triumph over the rest of the world. Ultranationalism has often manifested as part of a desire for revenge against foreign enemies and uses this desire to drive the nation forward. While some differences are known to exist between each ultranationalist movement, they never differ in their mad desperation to see eternal glory rain down upon their lands. Russian National Liberation Committee Flag.png Bronislav Kaminski
Serbian Government of National Salvation flag.png Dragomir Jovanović
Ultranationalist kurdistan.png Nuri Dersimî
Cengiz Ayhan
Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging.png Eugène Terre'Blanche
Stratocracy subideology.png
Ultramilitarist regimes are, in general, little more than a military organization expending the minimal effort possible to provide civilian state institutions, in order to redirect all that possible towards the military and military-related interests. They are, in essence, an army with a state, with every decision of policy ultimately, in some fashion, supporting military endeavors, and with nearly all actions underlaid by an ideological doctrine of rabid and uncompromising nationalism.
To achieve this, they are often internally characterized by omnipresent propaganda and the active promotion of nationalist thought. In addition, and in order to sustain their military administration, such governments typically display extreme aggression on the world stage, towards both neighboring states as well as those considered state enemies, for reasons of history, political expediency, or others as determined. This often results in the nation being in near-eternal conflict, armed or otherwise, which to its leaders and people is often a desired goal in itself.
Kommandostab Waffen-SS.png Sylvester Stadler
Ukrainian National State.png Dmytro Klyachkivsky
Ukrainian National State.png Stepan Lenkavskyi
Ulster banner.png Ian Paisley
Belgiannationalorderflag.png Léon Degrelle
Vlaamse Nationale Saat.png Bert Eriksson
800px-Flag of Greece (1822-1978).svg.png Georgios Poulos
Petros Poghosyan
IJA HOLESUMMM.png Nagano Shigeto
Takayama Shinobu
NPA flag.png Long Yun
1280px-Flag of Thailand.png Sangad Chaloryu
Flag of Omsk.png Dmitry Yazov
V.png Evgeny Savintsev
Task Force Bogatyr.png Konstantin Pastanogov
Redeemed Black League Flag.png Alexander Lazarenko
Kazakh Purification Army.png Safa Gaziz
KBA Flag.png Winnie Madikizela
Flag of Rwanda (1959–1961).png Théoneste Bagosora
Fundamentalism subideology.png
Typically characterized by the twin pillars of a uniting religious authority or purpose and a rabid hatred of or mobilization against some external enemy, Fundamentalist governments tend to be defined by the narrative of their perceived national and ideo-religious struggle. Very often, their political structure is largely composed of religious or otherwise clerical figures, and their social and domestic policies are formed in close adherence to the tenets and scriptures of their organizing religion, whatever it may be.
The perception of this intrinsic national struggle often results in these governments acting to both dehumanize their foes and subsequently act aggressively against them, whether by military expansionism or more subversive means. Diplomacy, especially with those seen as sympathetic to their doctrinal enemies, is extremely difficult, when possible at all. Summarized, such governments are often synonymous with near-eternal conflict, overt or covert, against an almost ever-growing list of mortal enemies.
Tno nrf.png Carlos Arias Navarro
Afghanistan quality.png Mohammad Nabi Mohammedi
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.png Gholam Mohammad Niazi
SouthernSulawesi.png Abdul Kahar Muzakkar
TNO Flag Islamic State of Tajikistan.png Mawlawi Hindustoni
Flag of the Brotherhood of Cain.png Abaddon
Catholic State of New Granada.png León María Lozano
Reactionary Nationalism subideology.png
Reactionary Nationalism
Reactionary Nationalism, like many other ideologies, emerged from the minds of the men who endured the industrial horrors of the twentieth century. When those men returned home, they could not reconcile the grand narratives for which they had fought with the reality of the world they had shaped. Modernity had conspired against them. They found no clarity of vision, they found no unity in strength. The romance of the soldier's return was a fiction. The romance of soldierly virtues was a fiction. Subjectivity usurped certitude. As time passed, there were more revolutions, more humiliations. More moralizing from materialistic creatures that could only breed in total vacuity. More traditions thrown to dogs. More suffering for it. More of the same, though without sameness.
Reactionary Nationalism proposes that nations must return to a past state of social organization in order to cast off the spiritual malaise enforced by twentieth-century modernity. This structure is typically picked from a narrow, romanticised slice of time in that nation's history, though it can also relate to methods for the violent transposition of antiquated moral norms onto colonies and other realms of empire. The policies born thereof are more frequently annihilationist than assimilationist, for Reactionary Nationalists believe that homogeneity is a prerequisite of nationhood.
Reactionary Nationalism is warlike and exclusive by nature. It must be, in order to satisfy the perverted heroism it proselytizes. Reactionary Nationalists believe that they seek justice by making the world as it should be, informed by the inalienable truth that some men are superior, and some men are inferior. But the lot of these self-styled knights is to fit virtues that never existed, or to force people who only know modernity to mold themselves into figures in gilded paintings. Starved of defined ideology, Reactionary Nationalism attaches itself to a superficial aesthetic, or the image of a knight in armor, visor down, and sword upright, so that any statesman may imagine himself as an emissary of return.
But the lie does not matter. The ideal unites. The romance unites.
Vichy.png Pierre Sidos
Serbian Government of National Salvation flag.png Momčilo Đujić
1280px-Flag of Thailand.png Praphas Charusathien
Pakistan flag.png Abdul Qayyum Khan
Chita flag.png Boris Shepunov


  • Originally, Ultranationalism was known as Ultranational Socialism, which also encompassed what would become known as Esoteric Nazism. The ideology was split in order to accommodate ultranationalists who do not adhere to any form of National Socialism.
  • Eurasianism was originally a subideology of Ultranationalism, before it was moved to Despotism.