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The Alemanistas are a major political faction in the United Mexican States. It´s a faction in the Institutional Revolutionary Party, while it often opposes the rest of the party, it remains a loyal part of the PRI state apparatus. The faction was formed by at the time Secretary of interior Miguel Aleman Valdes, the faction supported his candidacy as president and during his presidency formed his loyal circle of advisors and subordinates. After the end of his presidency they have consistently continued to advocate for his interests and policies.


  • Raúl Salinas Lozano - Secretary of Industry and Commerce
  • Antonio Ortiz Mena - Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit
  • Ernesto Peralta Uruchurtu - Head of the Department of the Federal District
  • Octaviano Campos Salas - Economic Advisor
  • Miguel Aleman Valdes - Former president of Mexico (1946 to 1952)

Beliefs and Policies

The Alemanistas are in line with technocratic ideals and the right wing of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, they support the policies carried out during the presidencies of Miguel Aleman and Adolfo Ruiz Cortines particularly concerning rapid industrialization and the abandonment of the rural focus of the PRI. While they profess a belief in the revolutionary nationalism of the PRI, most Alemanistas tend to be middle class or upper class industrialists that wish to distance themselves from the revolutionary past of the party and towards a more modern vision of Mexico.

The Alemanistas are pragmatic diplomatically and reluctantly support the anti fascist line the rest of the PRI holds, even if they may be willing to open relations with countries like Italy and Iberia once more. However while they support stronger commercial relations with the US, the faction tends to see the Empire of Japan and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as the most reliable choice for a partnership, and with the models of Manchuria and Guangdong being taken as heavy inspiration.

While the Alemanistas have been out of power for a decade, many of their policies and demands have become PRI party policy much to the private chagrin of the Cardenistas and the public disdain of the Mexican left wing, as the new governments have heavily leaned into industrialization and closeness with industrialists and foreign powers. The most important representative of the Alemanistas in government is Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit Antonio Ortiz Mena who is widely regarded as the architect of the Mexican Miracle. These succeses have greatly benefited the faction, and as 1962 begins it has increasingly rallied around Secretary of Industry and Commerce Raúl Salinas Lozano who is now competing for the presidency of Mexico. The ideals of the technocrats remain widely unpopular, but now for the first time in a decade the Alemanistas have a chance to once again recover the spot light.