Raúl Salinas Lozano

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Raúl Salinas Lozano (born 1st May 1917) is the current Secretary of Industry and Commerce of the United Mexican States having served since his inauguration in december of 1958. Salinas is a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and a potential successor of Adolfo López Mateos as President of Mexico.


Unlike many of his contemporaries in the PRI who tend to descend from humble background, Salinas was born into a wealthy aristocratic family in Northern Mexico in the year 1917, unlike many who boast of a proud Revolutionary heritage or are veterans of the Revolution themselves, his family almost lost everything during the war and was close to the Porfiriato and the local reactionary government. After the war he lived a relatively comfortable life, being able to study in prestigious institutes. Obtaining a degree in economics in the University of Harvard in the United States.

His return to Mexico coincided with great national change away from Revolutionary radicalism and towards centrist moderation, as his family stood to once more gain from the new shift in government, Salinas saw potential for his talents in the fledgeling government.

Political Career

Salinas joined the ruling Party of the Mexican Revolution (PRM) in 1940, the new government appreciated a Harvard educated government with a focus in industrialization, yet his career for the most part was unremarkable on the national level beyond silently rising trough the ranks

His first taste of political sucess would come in 1948 with a appointment to the Secretary of Hacienda as director of Economic Studies at the young age of 31, 6 short years later he would be sent to Central America to advise countries such as Honduras on economic and fiscal matters. His work in Central America and in Hacienda would make Senator Adolfo López Mateos notice him and invite him to be part of his cabinet as Secretary of Industry and Commerce. While Salinas failed to form the political connections with revolutionary caudillos other important politicians of his time relied on, his work ethic and scheming in the background made him a terrific political force.

His time in the Mateos presidency has been uneventful albeit highly succesful, as he works closely with Antonio Ortiz Mena and former president Miguel Aleman Valdes to steer the ship of the Mexican Miracle and fund the Social Programs of President Lopez Mateos, yet his greatest sucess is the continuation of industrialization and Mexico´s reliance on foreign commerce trough policies that have attracted foreign investors while strenghtening the domestic economy and production. While he has failed to garner as much attention as Antonio Ortiz Mena, his refusal to be the head of the Alemanistas in government has allowed Salinas to slowly establish himself as the head of the Technocrats in the eyes of Lopez Mateos.

In Game Role

Salinas at game start is fairly irrelevant, but will quickly pounce when Gustavo Díaz Ordaz makes a grave mistake costing him the guaranteed candidacy, taking advantage of the disunited left he will establish his wing of the party in the eyes of Mateos as a good choice that would continue his programs, even if Salinas does not intend to keep this promise.

He wants to cooperate with Japan to displace the American influence in the Mexican economy to a medium degree, above all he will prioritize Mexican sovereignty and balanced commerce that benefits all sides. His ultimate goal is continuing Alemanista politics that propel Mexico to a new level of economic standard, and along the way if it benefits himself and his friends a little then it is a good side benefit. Salinas is a rampant schemer that will at the drop of the hat create and drop alliances, something that will come in handy as this dark horse faces off against the strongest figures in Mexican politics.

In Game Description

As the old Mexican saying goes, "change always begins in the north."

Born on a middle class ranch in Nuevo Leon, Raúl Salinas Lozano's rise didn't come from military might or political patronage. Rather, it was through his hard work and skill at economics. Thus he quickly raised through the then-PRM, from militant in 1940 to director at the Secretariat of Hacienda in 1948, then Secretariat of the Presidency in 1954, and Secretary in his own right in 1958. And now, he sits in Los Pinos with his beloved family just a few short years after his remarkable rise began.

And his backstop isn't the only thing radical about him. Because out of the economic ministries comes a new doctrine - that of Technocracy. The Revolution is in danger, not because of political machinations, but because it is not advancing fast enough. With new Sphere-style economic management, Salinas and his compatriots promise a new era of massive economic growth and modernization. But it will have a price Mexico may not be able to pay..."


  • Despite being a potential succesor to the presidency, very little is known about Salinas Lozano in real life. Compared to his famous counterparts in Ordaz and Madrazo, Salinas lived in relative obscurity while building up a political and economic empire.
  • Irl his son, Carlos Salinas de Gortari would be president of Mexico in the late 1980s, a culmination of decades of political scheming and patronage.
  • His other son named after himself was a equestrian champion and would be Secretary of tourism under his brother, he would later be arrested for corruption and expose his father´s ties to drug-traficking and the Gulf Cartel.
  • In earlier builds Salinas was widely refered to as Lozano, which has been changed to conform to proper naming norms in Latin America. He was called Lozano to avoid confusion with his much more famous children