Anatoly Sobchak

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Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak (Russian: Анатолий Александрович Собчак, born 10th of August 1937) is a Russian politician currently serving as mayor of Chita. Depending on how events transpire, he can become prime minister of the reborn Russian Empire or lead the Amur Refugee Zone.


If Tsar Mikhail successfully removes his puppet master Boris Shepunov, Sobchak will become the new prime minister whilst Dmitry Volkogonov will be made security minister. It is here where Anatoly Sobchak will plan to draw a new constitution for Chita, reforming the country away from the White Army's reactionary rule.

Later on, he will also argue with Volkogonov on how to properly run and maintain the armed forces, where Tsar Mikhail will give an edge to Volkogonov.

If Russia is unified by Sergey Taboritsky and subsequently collapses, Anatoly Sobchak will create the Amur Refugee Zone out of territories formally belonging to Chita and Amur. This is done by striking a deal with the remains of the Russian Fascist Party as well as applying for Co-Prosperity Sphere aid in order to save as many refugees as possible.