Balthazar Johannes Vorster

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Balthazar Johannes Vorster (born 13th December 1915) is a South African politician, who served as a senator.


Balthazar Johannes "B. J." Vorster was born to a sheep farmer in Jamestown, South Africa in 1915. Becoming involved in politics during his years studying law, he had been a member of the pro-Nazi organization Ossewabrandwag during the war, an affiliation which earned him a detention at Koffiefontein. Claiming to have a newfound belief in the parliamentary system, he was elected as a National Party candidate for the National Assembly, before becoming a senator. Known for being able to be approachable, eccentric, and occasionally reasonable, he was nonetheless committed to Boer nationalism and the implementation of racial segregation.


If South Africa decides to talk with the ANC and choose to turn the new native soldiers into a South African National Guard instead of establishing several Rifle Divisions in the subsequent choice, Vorster will then be found dead on a remote highway near Cullinan, Pretoria, actually be shot by the National Guard.