Beyers Naudé

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Peace at any cost is the official doctrine of the Carnarvon Defense League, and of its leader.

While Beyers Naudé himself was a segregationist long ago, the extremist attitudes of his fellow Boers, and the religious conviction of many ANC members, convinced the theologian that he was rooting for the wrong side. By the time of the Cape Town massacre, the cleric had established connections with underground ANC leaders, something which earned him the ire of Hertzog's secret policemen. Nevertheless, Naudé refused to go into hiding and continued to publicly criticize the government, an act that greatly increased the ANC's opinion of him.

Once Malan's coup set off Connie Mulder's rebellion in Cape Town, Naudé allies, white and black, seized control of the Northern Cape from the rapidly collapsing Boer security forces. Naudé's deeply religious understanding of South Africa resulted in his calls for a restoration of the pre war constitution, an end to segregation, co-operation between blacks and whites, expelling the Germans, and a federated structure for South Africa. His vision for a reconstructed South Africa convinced just about every major faction that Naudé was their natural ally.

However, neither Mulder, nor Viljoen, nor Buthelezi could have predicted the establishment of the Carnarvon Defense League as a neutral zone. Armed to the teeth, Naudé has made it clear that the League will guarantee a safe place for those who wish to evade further suffering from war. Whether the League will weather the storm and remain intact is an open question, but Naudé's position as the most idealistic of contestants for the future of South Africa is already secured.