Carlos Alberto Madrazo

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Carlos Alberto Madrazo (born 7th July 1915) is a Mexican politician who has served as Governor of Tabasco since January 1959. Madrazo is a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and a potential successor of Adolfo López Mateos as President of Mexico.



Madrazo was born into a poverty stricken family in the poor state of Tabasco during the Mexican Revolution, while he lead a struggling life, Madrazo quickly became accostumed to adversity and pushed trough. As a devout student he would prove to be a extremely skilled speaker and passionate socialist ideologue.

Madrazo would speak in one of the events held at his school honoring Benito Juárez, during the speech Madrazo would be noticed by the governor of Tabasco and more importantly Tomás Garrido Canabal, the current president of the Pro Calles Resistance League and previous governor of Tabasco. Canabal was a passionate ideologue, extreme anti clericalist and a famous revolutionary caudillo who controlled Tabasco and part of the Yucatan, Canabal would invite Madrazo to his state wide tours and take the role of the "young tribune", as he was about to enter university he would receive a state scholarship and while still beeing a teenager, would organize the Confederation of Socialist Students of the Southeast.

Early adulthood

Around 1934 right after entering university, Madrazo would move to the Federal District. There alongside Canabal he would join a paramilitary called the "Red Shirts", the Red Shirts were established in the wake of the Cristero war as a shock group for young socialist and communist people to harass, kill and persecute catholics nationwide. Canabal lead and established the paramilitary and earlier in 1934 would appoint Madrazo to lead it.

Madrazo´s leadership would last for a few years, after many disastrous decisions leading to casualties in the movement, Madrazo would be forced to withdraw from the paramilitary and return to student life, as the final step in his studies. He would be elected president of the National Society of Students in Preparatory Schools in 1937 and he would represent the organization in the second Congress of the Confederation of Socialist Students of the Southeast.

Political Career

Using the support of a strong caudillo, Madrazo would begin rising trough the ranks of the PRM at the time rapidly. The year it was formed in 1938 was the year after he graduated as a lawyer, that year he joined the party as a militant and quickly became director of the National Organization of Youth in the PRM.

Trough the early 1940s from 1940-1944 Madrazo would move around the Federal District administrating libraries and schools until he finally received his big break in 1943, being postulated as a congressman for the Party of the Mexican Revolution. However this quick rise faced a catastrophic downfall rather quickly, Madrazo´s support for caudillo Javier Rojo Gomez would cost him dearly, similar to many members of the faction that supported Rojo Gomez against Secretary Miguel Aleman Valdes, Madrazo would be falsely involved in a human trafficking scandal of Mexican migrants to the United States.

As future president Miguel Aleman Valdes looked for vengeance, Madrazo would be arrested and held in the "Dark Palace" of Mexico, the Lecumberri Palace in Mexico City, utilized as a prison camp and torture chamber in the Porfiriato, and now utilized in the PRM regime for the same purpose. Madrazo would be tortured himself and forced to confess to the trafficking, however the supreme court a few months later would clear those accused of any wrong-doing and they would be released. While this decision would be one of the reasons president Miguel Aleman Valdes decided to destroy the power of the court, at the time Madrazo would be released with little to no career or future left in the PRM seemingly.

Against all odds however, Madrazo would make a comeback in the PRI. While he was burnt by Aleman and would hold no government work during his presidency, he was able to return to student socialist organizing and work with famous syndicalist activist Lombardo Toledano. As the Aleman presidency drew to a close Madrazo returned to the federal government as head of the legal department in the Federal District on the matter of sugar cane. A very minor somewhat insulting position but a promising return. At the start of the Adolfo Ruiz Cortines he would return to Tabasco and become a writer, he would grow close to the governor of Tabasco at the time and would be appointed representative of his home state to the Capital.

It is here where he would meet Senator Adolfo López Mateos, Mateos would be charmed by his ideas and grand dreams for a great industrialization of the Mexican Southeast, Madrazo would back Adolfo López Mateos in his fight for the presidency, and after he obtained the candidacy would greatly benefit from this choice. Around this time Lic. Mateos supported Madrazo´s bid to be governor of Tabasco, and due to his friendship with the current governor he would be able to rise to the position during the Mateos presidency.

Time as Governor

The Madrazo Governorship so far has brought many changes to the state of Tabasco, trough grand urbanisation programs and bulldozing the surrounding jungle, Madrazo has revitalized the state economically significantly improving it´s quality of life. New highways, schools, production plants, factories, plantations, streets, parks and much more. The city of Villahermosa has transformed from a small city to a medium sized one as one of the largest settlements in the Mexican Southeast.

Madrazo has even grander ambitions for the rest of his term, seeking to expand on his programs and bolstering the industrialization of the entire Mexican Southeast in conjuction with president Mateos.

In-Game role

Madrazo starts outside of the Succesion race for the presidency at first, he spends most of the first 18 months of the playthrough desperately trying to unite the disunited and chaotic Mexican left into one united faction, if he manages to achieve this he is able to succesfully utilize the Kabuki Effect as a way to increase his reputation with the president, he will often work with Gustavo Díaz Ordaz against Raúl Salinas Lozano, while ideologically different, the two of them form a close friendship and are united by their hatred of the Technocratic ideals.

In-Game Description

From a distance, Carlos Madrazo is the perfect leader of the PRI and, thus, the leader of Mexico. Anyone can appreciate a man who challenged his childhood poverty with hard work and determination, and such a long history of activism within the party would give him the respect of those in it. His oratory skills have caught the attention of the nation ever since secondary school, and have enraptured the youth and workers. Madrazo has already leveraged these advantages to become governor of his home state of Tabasco, where his roadways, schools, hospitals, and improvements to the dairy and cacao industries have transformed the land. Most importantly, his vision of a Mexico no longer tied to the slave drivers of the Sphere or the neoimperialists of the OFN has aligned with that of former President López Mateos. With the continuation of Mateos' economic policies, and his broad electoral support, Madrazo was the obvious pick to become the next leader of Mexico, and to reinvigorate the PRI.

But Madrazo is not a simple continuance. And that is what alarms many in his own party.

Madrazo is not here to simply be a fresh face for the decaying carcass that is the PRI. He has vowed to remove the corrupt party officials and radically reform the organization. This has united a broad swath of businessmen and party members against him. With no shortage of enemies and few allies, Madrazo's presidency must go through the strongest, oldest structure in Mexico. However, that structure now must withstand the so-called "Cyclone from the Southeast" that has come to Mexico City.


  • In real life, Madrazo was allegedly assassinated by the PRI government.
  • Despite that, his son Roberto Madrazo would be the presidential candidate for the PRI in the 2006 election, and would be involved in a dopeing scandal in a Berlin marathon.