Central Council

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The Central Council (Centraĺnaja Rada) is a state that will emerge after the collapse of Reichskommissariat Ostland. Its leader is Michał Vituška.


The Central Council consists of Belarusian collaborators led by the leader of the Black Cats Michał Vituška. When Ostland plunges into chaos, the Central Council will appear in the city of Vitebsk. During the Ostland Civil War, Vituška follow National Socialist path, in which he reactivates the Black Cats and becomes a ruthless dictator who cares only about his nation and the affairs of his collaborators.


Head of state: Michał Vituška (Fascism/National Socialism) OST Mikhail Vituska.png N/A N/A
Head of government: Janka Filistovič (Fascism) OST Janko Filistovic.png Flamboyant Tough Guy
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.05
  • Stability: +5.00%
Foreign minister: Jazep Sažyč (National Socialism) OST Jasep Sazyc.png General Staffer
  • Justify war goal time: -10.0%
  • AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: +25
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +25.0%
  • Land Fort construction speed: +5.00%
Economy minister: Barys Rahula (National Socialism) OST Barys Rahula.png Military Entrepreneur
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +3.00%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on War Production: +50.0%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
Security minister: Francišak Kušal (National Socialism) OST Francisak Kusal.png Man of the People
  • Stability: +10.00%


Central Council has at least one field marshal, three generals and one admiral.

Field Marshal Francišak Kušal
General Barys Rahula
General Ryhor Zybajla
General Anthony Sawoniuk
Admiral Alexey Sorokin


If the player is playing as Reinhard Heydrich, Vituška gets a massive artificial power boost so he's guaranteed to win in Ostland, since Heydrich's story is written with Vituška winning in Ostland in mind.