Channel Crisis

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The Channel Crisis is a proxy conflict between the United States of America and the Greater German Reich that can occur following German reunification after the civil war in combination with a Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance (henceforth Free Britain) victory in the British Civil War.

Due to Britain being just 21 miles at its closest from the European mainland, this poses a significant threat to Germany's security; therefore, they will begin preparations for a naval invasion. OFN diplomats, however, will attempt to defuse negotiations and save Free Britain.


After Operation Sealion in 1943, the German Reich created a new client state in Britain sporting the name and nothing more of the United Kingdom. The House of Windsor was split between Edward VIII's branch and the proper branch, exiled to Canada. The new government enjoyed little legitimacy and was economically dominated by the German Reich, leading to further dissatisfaction and ruin. Partisans under Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance also caused problems for the new British government.

With the collapse of German peacekeeping through its sphere of influence in the wake of the German Civil War, Britain too would erupt into civil war; in order for the Channel Crisis to occur, Free Britain must triumph over the collaborationist government.


If the United States succeeds in the proxy conflict, Germany will cancel preparations to invade Britain and the United Kingdom will join the OFN sphere of influence; thus, Germany's influence will diminish with the United States now being able to station military assets within extreme proximity of the heartland.

However, if negotiations fall through, in an event labelled "Operation Sealion II," German troops will storm Britain for the second time in less than half a century, resulting in the formation of the British Social Republic and the end of any hopes for the rebirth of the United Kingdom in any form.


  • As all events in TNO parallel real-life events in some way, it is likely that the Channel Crisis is loosely based off the Cuban Missile Crisis.